November 5th

Well…a long day yesterday but I had some fun so that was okay…spent way too much cash so it looks like I’ll have to stay in for a while to make up for it….I did have dreams last night that were quite weird again with getting lost, dying plants, and bad mufflers in them…they did all fit together in a strange way…I am sore all over for some reason this morning and I think it may have been riding in the strong wind yesterday…and I have been grinding my teeth again that has given me an ache in my jaw again…I’m just a wreck today and will have to take it easy and recover….not much to do today…there is the Michigan game and I’m not sure if I’m going to watch the Wings later….and I will try to get another one out later since I was lazy yesterday…

Here’s the lyric: “In the valley of hearts there’s a house full of broken windows…cause the lovers inside just quarrel all the time…why’d you ruin my life?….where you taking my kid?…then they hold each other saying how did it come to this?….”

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