Well…this is going to be a short one to comment on one of the more delusional statements made in the past few weeks by ole Mitt…his latest attack after the Sotu speech by Obama was that Obama was “out of touch” with real Americans…okay, if you’re not laughing about that comment, you have no sense of irony…let’s go back and look at some of ole Mitt’s comments…first, we have the $10,000 dollar bet with Rick Perry at one of the debates…next, we have ole Mitt saying that almost $400K of income from speeches is “not much”, and then we have the statements that he pays all of the taxes he owed under the tax code and “not a dollar more”…when it is well know that he was running Bain capital when they (and others in the venture capital business) lobbied congress and bought themselves the law that allows them to pay less a percentage of taxes on income than anyone in the 99%. So, I’ll contend here that ole Mitt is the one that is out of touch, that he is the one who has no damn idea of what it is like to be 58 years old with too much education to find a job in this economy….go back to where you came from, Mitt…this country doesn’t need silver spoon people like you telling me how to think about the state of the country and economy…geez…