This is growth of government?

Well…haven’t been able to write much lately and I’m not sure what the cause is just yet….it could be spring fever…who knows? What I did want to talk about today is the misconception that the repubs are trying to sell that the Obama administration has expanded government regulation more that any president in history and is taking away our freedoms and strangling business…blah, blah, blah…when the opposite is true. Just compare the the costs of the last three years of ole GW’s to the first three years of Obama’s and you’ll see that the regulatory costs and the sheer number of new regulations was significantly higher under ole GW…costing business and individuals billions of dollars and piling on the red tape. I know that none of this means anything to the fact-challenged repubs…they think lies repeated often enough magically turn into the truth….and how can you argue with that?

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