Well…are these repubs great liars or what? On the day that ole Mitt comes out and says that it is Obama and dem economic policies that are hurting women, we have our old buddy Scott Walker in Wisconsin signing the repeal of a law that made it easier for women there to hold employers accountable for wage discrimination. This was not a law that intruded on the “rights” of corporations to do whatever they want, but it was a law that tried to rectify an insidious result of discrimination against women that had been proven time and again…that women performing the same job with the same qualifications were usually paid from 20 to 30% less than the men doing the job…something that is just wrong no matter how the repubs try to explain it away in terms that further demean women…like “women leave the workforce to have babies so they have lesser skills than men” never mind that 40% plus of the women in the workforce never leave it to have children. Nonsense, all, but this is the type of policy that ole Mitt has said he supports when he says that he supports Walker and his agenda “completely”….just another example of what the US will look like if these idiots take control…geez…