Well…the repubs have a new talking point that they have been trying out over the past week or so and it makes me laugh it is so ridiculous…they now assert that Obama is the most divisive politician in Washington today…okay, just writing that made me laugh. More divisive than the liar Romney? More divisive than the turtle McConnell who stated that his whole purpose in life and politics was to make sure Obama failed and with it the country? How about Paul Ryan and the other tea baggers who shut down the government over the debt ceiling? I have to remind the repubs yet again that in the world that is based on facts, just saying something is so does not make it true…it might to their base but to the rest of us, we say “show us” and prove your assertions…geez…
One last thing…and one that shows that idiocy is alive and well in Arizona…the repub secretary of state there is “not sure” if he will allow Obama to be on the ballot there since he is “not sure” if Obama was born here in the US….stupidity runs rampant on the right from the bottom to the top….