June 9th

Well….have been up since about 6, and that is way better than 4, so I do feel a little better today and thought I’d get this one out before I get out on the bike…want to go early before the heat and wind come up and it is just fun to be out by 8:30…nope…it’s 8:30 now so I will be a little later….I did put the top down on the car to go over for the papers this morning and that did make me smile a bit….not sure what I’m going to do today but might be hanging out with the twins for a while…I did get a pork loin in the the slow cooker at about 7 so that is something to look forward to…I hope it has some flavor since I have only been able to stomach heavily flavored foods for quite a while now….that’s about it for now….need to get on the bike and do 30….more later…

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