Well…I marvel at times how the repubs became known as the “law and order” party when, here in Michigan, we have a repub AG that thinks he is the only person who determines what the law means…starting with the medical marijuana law (or I should say continuing with this law) which he opposed when it was put on the ballot a few years back, Mr. Schutte has formed a pattern of lawlessness that would make a bank robber proud. His latest nonsense came after the supreme court ruling on healthcare yesterday when he said that he would not take part in implementing the law saying that we should wait until after the election in November when he feels that the repubs will win the presidency and repeal the law. First, this man has a duty to all of the citizens of Michigan….not to just the hard right that he panders to on a daily basis and those of us that don’t have insurance would like the possibility of getting it that comes from the new law. Second, when did our constitution change to read that the AG could substitute his political decisions for the will of the people? The courts here have slapped this idiot numerous times, showing that he is not the great legal mind he thinks he is but just some overly political hack using his office to push his crazy far right agenda on the people. But, this is just the latest outrage from this man…and Governor Snyder should straighten him out today…geez….