Well…I did get to the last one for the month and I’m not sure if I feel good about it or what…didn’t have as many fillers as last month so maybe my head is starting to work again…I did find it funny the other day when ole Mitt was describing what his healthcare plan was…exactly the same as Obama’s but ole Mitt has no plan to pay for it…just like the two wars, the medicare drug plan…and everything else the repubs do…so who is more responsible? It’s just more of the same magical thinking that got us into the financial mess we find ourselves in…and, the rest of the ole Mitt’s agenda is just more of the same “trust us” nonsense they have pushed in Wisconsin and even here in Michigan…and how did that work out? I am just so exasperated that people find this kind of nonsense acceptable when they have seen the extreme right wing crap come out after the elections…do you think the repubs are going to change? Nope, not when they have billions of dollars coming from the 1% and corporations that will be used to lie, cheat, and steal…geez….