Is the 33rd time the charm?

Well…you need to look no farther than the repub controlled house to see why the unemployment rate is not improving here in the US. Today marks the 33rd time that the repubs have brought bills to the floor of the House to repeal the ACA…a lesson in political futility that has many in this country wondering if they have lost their minds…after all, one of the great philosophers said that “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results” but that is just what we see from these guys…the senate will never even take up the bills and the president will veto it if it ever got to his desk. So, why are they wasting the country’s time when there are still 50 million people without health care and over 8 percent unemployment? Where are the job creation bills? Where are the infrastructure restoration bills? This is just another example where it is clear that the repubs don’t give a damn about anyone but themselves and their wealthy backers…geez….

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