Mitt is still a liar…

Well…I have been trying to winnow out the happenings of the day to get to one that I want to write about, and have decided to go back to that gift that just keeps on giving…ole Mitt. Today, the story of Mitt not being responsible for all of the reprehensible behavior at Bain Capital fell apart with the disclosure that his assertion that he had left Bain in 1999 is not true…SEC filings show that he was still the CEO of Bain until 2002; well into the bad days of gutting companies for profit and throwing thousands and thousands of people out of work. But, this is just more of the same for ole Mitt who feels (like most repubs) that the truth is what he says it is, not what it really is…and goes along with the latest revelations that he has hidden large amounts of income in havens like the Cayman Islands so he doesn’t have to pay taxes on it…not something available to normal folks and a good indicator of what his administration would look like…more privilege for those that have money and connections and everyone else can go to hell. Coupled with his weird assed speech to the NCAAP the other day where he tried to convince the delegates there that he would be better for black people because he would end “Obamacare” and give more tax cuts to the rich, it is abundantly clear that ole Mitt is so out of touch with the 99% of us that have to work for a living that he should just go back to his house with the car elevator and leave the rest of us alone…geez…

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