Well…just a short one about the plaudits that have come in for ole Ryan after his nomination…first, let’s look at the effect of his budget plan…and I am going to be blunt…to follow his plan…that won’t balance the budget until I’m long dead…in the 2040′s….we will need to cut 91% of all spending that is not military…yep, you heard it…91% of all government spending on everything that makes a government and a society, schools, safety nets, unemployment insurance, job training,….you get the idea…his vision is that the US will be a military with a little bit of government thrown in….and, to top it off…ole Mitt will pay less than 1% in taxes on his income…while you and I will continue to pay 30%….it you think this is the path this country should take…vote for these guys..if you do, you are all idiots…geez…yep, I said idiots…please comment…I’m waiting for it…