Well…read a couple of good articles today in the Post and I think the Free Press and I am heartened that the media seems finally willing to do it’s job in questioning the ‘just trust us” crap coming out of ole Mitt’s campaign…where they lie, lie, and lie about what their policies are going to be if elected….first, though I wanted to get to the big lie the Obama cut over 700 billion out of Medicare to pay for the ACA and he is using that money to reward his political cronies…yadda, yadda…what ole Mitt doesn’t want you to know is that the 700 billion that will be cut out of Medicare is to providers of care, cost reductions that are far overdue but will not result in any reduction of care to anyone on the program…and the other lie embedded in this one is that it is only Obama that would propose something like that, but when you look at the fiction that is the Ryan budget…he counts exactly those same savings to justify more tax cuts for the rich. For anyone to see what the actual policies of a Romney administration would be, just take a look at Wisconsin and what ‘just trust us” did to that state with Scott Walker at the helm….these folks should not be taken seriously until they actually present more that vague platitudes, until they actually present numbers that can be scored by the CBO in a non-partisan way so everyone can see that ole Mitt’s plans would explode the deficit and allow the rich to steal even more…geez…