Well…just a short one on a couple of troubling things that I have talked about before but I think they bear repeating…with the rape nonsense that is going on in Missouri by the gop senate candidate there, along with all of the anti-science legislation being passed in repub controlled states across the country…there is only one conclusion that can be reached: that the troglodytes have taken over the repub party…I just want to shout at them ‘fire good, learning good” whenever any one of them wants to equate the religious nonsense that pervades this country with true thought and science….we have become the laughingstock of the world when supposedly serious people of the gop go on and on about the fact that they don’t need science because they have god to tell them what to do…and this is exactly why idiots like Todd Akin are so dangerous to this country. As you know, these ideas pervade the gop and is a primary reason that they have become as crazy as they are….geez…