Well…I know I’ve been on the case of the repubs for their breathtaking lies over the past couple of months but it has been earned by them….starting with the Romney campaign responding to the media’s calling them out on the lies by saying “we are not going to let fact checkers run our campaign”….basically saying that they are going to continue to lie since the only other thing they have is tax cuts for the rich and benefit cuts and tax increases for everyone else. Then, we have ole Ryan’s speech last night that was all lies and misrepresentations that have been pointed out by many, many media outlets…even Fox news has called him a liar and when fox criticizes any repub, hell is certainly freezing over. The most egregious of ole Paul’s lies center on two things…the first being the GM plant that closed in Ryan’s hometown with Ryan saying it was Obama’s fault…but, the uncomfortable fact is that the closing was announced in the spring of 2008….months before Obama was elected…what was he supposed to do? Invent a time machine and go back to save the plant? The second huge lie centers on the cuts to Medicare PROVIDERS that is included in the ACA…again, Ryan lied when he said it was BENEFIT cuts that would mean there would be 716 billion dollars less in care for seniors because of the ACA. the irony here is that the repub touted Ryan budget does exactly the same thing with exactly the same cuts. These guys have taken lying to a whole new level that I have never seen in a presidential campaign….if they lie about this, what else are they lying about? Geez…