Well…was just reading through some of the twitter feeds that I follow and found a really interesting tidbit that I want to share…in spite of all of the fake confidence that the Romney campaign is exuding…as evidenced by the “sugar high” comment from one of ole Mitt’s campaign managers and their assertion that they are still even, Paul Ryan today started to hedge his bets by getting campaign ads ready to try to retain his house seat…yep, even the number two on the ticket thinks they are dead meat and are going to lose and is scrambling like a rat on a sinking ship to continue to be able to feed from the public trough….whatever happened to doing the honorable thing and going home to write books or something when you lose an election…oh, repubs don’t do that…they move over to being lobbyists to grab a few million from the people who bought them in the legislature…what a bunch of crap…