Well…after the election, there are so many targets on the right with all of their nonsense that I am confused about where to go with this one…oh, one thing I wanted to talk about is how to organize a boycott of any company whose CEO fires people because Obama won the election…this just has to happen to make sure that these idiots pay out of their own wallet for this nonsense…and on that note, there should be a law passed that would make this nonsense illegal…well…maybe not…I really don’t want more government but these people need to be stopped somehow….I do hope that people will stop saying that the election loss will lead to soul searching on the right…first, these people have no souls so how is that going to work? Second, they are the true believers in that conservative nonsense and from everything I’ve read, the only thing they think they did wrong was tactical and that some small tweaks will win the election for them next time…I really hope they keep thinking that…if they do, they will continue to lose and I’ll continue to smile…