Well…I have been watching the fiscal curb negotiations over the past couple of days with an ever growing disgust for the repubs in the house…I mean, after the senate voted nearly unanimously to pass a bipartisan compromise bill, the dysfunctional second graders that are the house repubs wouldn’t even let it come up for a vote with the mob of crazies blocking the bill being led by Eric Cantor who is only thinking of himself and his rich donors…everyone knows the little shit wants to be speaker and will do anything including destroying the economy to do it. The only good thing that is going to come out of this is that the approval rating of the repubs (which is at an all time low of 12% right now) is going to approach zero and they are going to pay for it in two years…but, the country can’t wait for two years to start to fix the problems we have…some adult needs come forward and put these idiots into a time out…and then we need to make sure there is a permanent dem majority that will act in the country’s best interests…not those of the damn 1% and the self interested repubs…geez…