Well…have been thinking all day trying to get some ideas and they just aren’t coming…I did laugh about ole Eric Cantor’s great policy speech yesterday…and the fact that it is just more of the same shows that the repubs have run out of ideas…at least ones that anyone wants to hear anymore…and then you have ole Karl Rove out there raising money again…not sure what for other than to line his own pockets since this great political brain has only won one election for the people he has supported…and that was ole GW’s second term that was won with the smallest margin in history…I do find it heartening that someone in congress is starting to question this whole killing everyone that the president thinks should be killed with drones…this needs to be stopped or at least have some congressional oversight….hmmmm..what else? I am sitting here waiting for the snowmageddon that all of the news outlets are screaming about…possibility of 8-12 inches of snow over the next day so I do need to go out for supplies in the morning…okay…met the quota for the day so I’m not going to bore you any more…