Well…I listen and listen to the folks that we re-elected and I only have one bit of advice for them..we need to become the party of no for a change…every time the repubs suggest that we cut benefits for the poor and seniors to subsidize the rich…we need to say no. Every time the repubs protect tax breaks for corporations and want to pay for them by raising taxes on the middle class we need to say no. Every time the repubs say that increased revenue from the rich can’t be on the table we have to say no. After all, the top tax rates were lowered under ole GW to cause the deficit mess we are in…why can’t they be raised to help pay the bills? Let’s not accept the crap the repubs are peddling that it is the dems fault because of “runaway spending”…as usual, they are wrong about that, too…spending as a percentage of gdp is far under the same measure for any repub administration since Eisenhower….one last thing I have to say for the dems that were elected to push the protection of the safety net and raise taxes on the rich…”just frickin do it”…the political climate has changed and you are the right side of the issues…grow a frickin backbone and do your damn job…geez…