Tag Archives: 1%

It time for us to become the party of no…

Well…I listen and listen to the folks that we re-elected and I only have one bit of advice for them..we need to become the party of no for a change…every time the repubs suggest that we cut benefits for the poor and seniors to subsidize the rich…we need to say no. Every time the repubs protect tax breaks for corporations and want to pay for them by raising taxes on the middle class we need to say no. Every time the repubs say that increased revenue from the rich can’t be on the table we have to say no. After all, the top tax rates were lowered under ole GW to cause the deficit mess we are in…why can’t they be raised to help pay the bills? Let’s not accept the crap the repubs are peddling that it is the dems fault because of “runaway spending”…as usual, they are wrong about that, too…spending as a percentage of gdp is far under the same measure for any repub administration since Eisenhower….one last thing I have to say for the dems that were elected to push the protection of the safety net and raise taxes on the rich…”just frickin do it”…the political climate has changed and you are the right side of the issues…grow a frickin backbone and do your damn job…geez…

The first election one…

Well…still not feeling too hot but I thought I’d get one out on the election before I melt into the couch and lick the wounds for the day…I am so surprised that this election is even close…and you’ve heard me say that before…in my lifetime I have never seen anyone lie like ole Mitt…I think that someone that has so little relationship with the truth is truly a sociopath bordering on being mentally ill…but I see that trait in many of the rich in this country, people who are only grounded in the reality of their gated communities and are shocked when people challenge the lies or their sense of entitlement…one example from here in West Michigan was from one of our richest families who just couldn’t understand why Ada township wouldn’t just automatically approve the construction of a heliport at their compound, even though these types of construction are expressly forbidden by ordinances that govern the township…they were truly shocked when they had to live by the laws that govern “them” and the snit they threw showed them for who they are…oh, this one was supposed to be one on politics…well..it is, of sorts…aren’t you folks tired of rich people trying to tell you how to run your lives when they have no frickin clue what it like to actually work for a living? I know I’ve had enough of it geez…

This is what the 1% does…

Well…I didn’t get back to the first post yet since this has been a recovery day for me…mostly from not eating enough yesterday…but, I did read an interesting article in the Guardian UK that states that the rich have gamed the system across the globe so much that they have been able to hide 21 trillion dollars from being taxed anywhere…yep, that’s trillion with a t…more money than the entire US economy with Japan thrown in for good measure. So, the next time you hear the rich start bitching about paying too much in taxes, you know it’s a lie….the tax rate on the upper income folks is at an 80 year low right now and where are the jobs these low tax rates are supposed to create? Not here in Michigan that I can see…geez…

The rich get even richer..

Well…if you didn’t think that there was something wrong with America and how the rewards of the economy are shared across all of it’s citizens…all you have to do is look at the recent study done by the University of California that revealed that in 2010 93% of all income growth went to the top 1% of earners…yep, you read it…the top 1% took away virtually all of the income growth while the other 99% of us were left to feed on the scraps that these folks have not figured out how to steal yet….I’ll come back for more later..but right now I need to read something else so I don’t fall into the pit of despair that these kind of numbers normally induce…geez…

Here’s the indisputable proof…

Well…this one is pointed at all of you right wing idiots out there that say the OWS protesters are just a bunch of whiny losers that don’t know what they are protesting…according to a report out today done by the Congressional Budget Office…the non-partisan arm of congress that is charged with coming up with the cost of new legislation among other things…the income of the top 1% of people in this country has tripled….yep, tripled since 1979…with most of that growth coming after the Bush tax cuts in 2000 while the rest of the country’s workers income increased a paltry 80%….so, 300% to 80%…pretty easy numbers to understand even for the troglodytes on the right. How are you guys going to wave away this one? When you take into account the productivity gains over that same time period, real wages for the bottom 80% of us actually went down over the same time period….and the right wonders why the rest of us are so pissed off. It is just this kind of inequality where the top 1% takes no risks and has no risks…where they just sit back and rake in the cash through connections and rigging the system that is finally triggering a broad based revolt of the working people in this country….it’s about time…geez…