Well…it was a day yesterday and I feel like a frickin mushroom with all of the rain….the top on the Miata leaked for the first time but I’m going to cut it some slack since we got inches of rain…didn’t do much but go out to the tool store and buy a c-clamp and got a free multi meter to test electrical circuits…cheap China stuff but they will do the job for the little I’ll use them…and 4 bucks? Can’t complain about that…the rest of the day was just the normal stuff that I’m sure you’re tired of hearing about. It was a cocktail night so I do feel a little slow today but the coffee should help that….not much to do today…oh, that’s not true…might have lunch with T, then out for pool, then drinks with K, then back here to rest….so it may just be a fun day for a change….more later…