Well….with all of the repub outrage over Benghazi when there was never really any there there…we now have a real scandal but it is one that can be pinned on the repubs…late last week, ABC news reported on the “smoking gun” e-mails that were supposed to show that there was some sort of coverup by the WH..of what, no one is really sure, and the funny thing is that this was before the e-mails were released by the WH…so this means that some member of Congress must have given them to ABC…and the even worse thing is that the e-mails were doctored by someone (read repubs) to make it appear that there was a coverup…so, what we have is that these thugs are using the deaths of four Americans for pure partisan reasons and when the facts don’t support their narrative, they just lie and continue on as if their lies are the truth….now here is a real scandal that ole Issa should be investigation…oh, wait, that will never happen…the repubs don’t want the truth they just want the black guy gone….geez…