What’s wrong with transparency?

Well…I have been following this whole NSA/spying flap over the past couple of days and the question that pops into my head is: “What’s wrong with transparency?” Why is it so terrible that we, as citizens, know what the hell our government is up to…especially when it directly affects us? It’s not like they’ve foiled hundreds of terrorist plots gathering all of this data…in fact, the head of the NSA has said that there may have been one plot foiled…and don’t give me that crap that it is worth it if one plot is foiled…since we don’t even know what the definition of “plot” is…is a full scale terrorist attack that was foiled or was it a couple of wannabes talking back and forth on facebook? Even with all of this money being spent…and there are over 400,000 people that are working on gathering and analyzing the data…they didn’t catch the Boston bombers and they are the sort of people that the NSA is supposed to be protecting us from….all the while we spend billions upon billions of dollars on this nonsense while bridges collapse and thousands of people die from gun violence every year…and thousands more from preventable diseases that could be cured if they had health insurance. I think we are at the point where we really do need to bring some light to these programs so we, as a people, can actually have a say in how we want to be kept safe and how much liberty we are prepared to cede to do it…geez…

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