Well….I was laughing my butt off yesterday when I read the pure propaganda that came out of the WH praising the idiot trump for the bestest, most wonderful foreign trip in the history of the US…I’m not making that up, the debacle of trump overseas is going to “bring the world together” to quote Sean Spicer. But, that’s not what this one is about…this one is about how trump has pissed off the intelligence community so much that the entire NSA has now been ordered to go through every signal intercept for the past two years to gather evidence on trump’s collusion with the Russians…and anything else that trump or his cronies were involved in…..stupid, stupid, trump…you now have at least 6 investigations going against your criminality and now the most powerful intelligence gathering institution in the world has you in it’s sights…man, I’m not sure if anyone else in the world could have screwed up so badly if they had tried. And now, we have Comey going in front of the senate next week to tell them how you tried to obstruct justice by killing the Russia investigation…what an inept, stupid man…impeach…
Tag Archives: NSA
More obstruction….
Well….if there wasn’t already enough of a case to convict the idiot trump for obstruction of justice in regards to his Russia treason, I’m guessing after today’s revelations, there will be. I am just loving this drip, drip, drip, of evidence that keeps coming out of just how stupid trump really is…and I had one titled that today even…okay, back to the evidence….it was confirmed today that trump tried to pressure the Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats, and Adm. Mike Rogers, the director of the NSA to deny the existence of any collusion during the election…and both of these guys, being the patriots they are, refused…deeming the requests to be “inappropriate”…and guess what else happened afterwards? Just like the Comey meeting with the idiot trump, Rogers documented the conversations in memos that are now being made available to Mueller for his investigation into trump’s Russia “problem”…sounds to me like trump should just stay in the Middle East….he’s going to jail later in the year here….impeach….
This is bad for trump…
Well…okay, just needed to do a short on on an article I just read….it seems that the intelligence community has stopped giving trump and his minions any intelligence briefings since they know that there is a direct pipeline to Russia out of the white house…let that sink in for a minute…trump and his cronies in the white house don’t get classified briefings since the CIA knows there is a Russian mole in the white house and that Putin will find out what we know about Russia…and the CIA has told our allies not to share any info with trump, either…and what is that noise you hear from the repubs in the house? Silence….this, folks, is the definition of high crimes and misdemeanors that is the bar for impeachment…what the hell does it take, repubs for you to uphold your oath to defend the constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic?
A win for us and the 4th amendment..
Well…have been trying to figure out what to write today..there are plenty of topics but none of them have been grabbing me…but, this one just came across my Twitter feed and it is a cheerable moment for me and should be for everyone in the US…and across the world…just this aft, a federal judge has ruled that the gross capturing of all of our phone records by the NSA is unconstitutional…saying that it violates the 4th amendment and that “James Madison would be spinning in his grave…”.
Finally, a judge that has said enough to all this nonsense…anyone who has ever read the constitution knows that the 4th is very simple…you can’t search peoples lives without probable cause that a crime has been committed….and just using the phone is not illegal so the leap to collecting every phone record has to be against the law. Period. The only bad thing is that he stayed his decision until the appeal is completed…but, with how the decision was worded, this judge feels that the plaintiffs will prevail in any appeal…he should have made it immediate…would have saved billions of dollars…a good piece of deficit reduction….geez…
Another reason to hate the NSA spying…
Well…if it wasn’t bad enough that the NSA is spying on Americans looking for terrorists, it was just revealed the other day that the DEA is using the same program to look for drug dealers…but that is not the worst part….the worst part is that the DEA is using this information as the core to fake cases against these people…how it works is that the DEA finds a nugget that someone is smuggling or selling drugs and then builds a fake case to make it look like they actually did the work of building a real case…lying to prosecutors, defense lawyers, and judges to make the fake case look real…and they even have official procedures on how to do it. Never mind that this crap violates many parts of the constitution, it also erodes the justice system that is supposed to protect people from this kind of crap…..if there is anything that should make people stand up and rebel against government nonsense, this should be it…anyone taking part in this crap should be arrested and prosecuted….right now….geez…
Why do we have to continue?
Well…yeah, that title is a little misleading, but what I wanted to say would have been too long to be one…what I wanted to say was…why do we have to continue to reiterate the fourth amendment? Shouldn’t the fourth amendment itself be enough? I guess not, and some of the legislators in the US congress feel the same way with the revelations of the NSA spying on you me, and everyone in the country. In fact, Alan Grayson, a Florida congressman, has just introduced legislation basically saying again what the fourth amendment says…that you can’t gather info on anyone unless there is probable cause that a crime has been committed and the warrants are approved by a judge. No more of this “let’s just watch everybody” under the guise of protecting us…I, for one, don’t want to be protected if that means that the government watches everything that I do…every phone call, every internet search, every text, and even the location data from our phones…one of the things that always happens is that the government will find a use for this data and I have no faith this use will be limited to those uses that are constitutional so they must stop…geez…
What’s wrong with transparency?
Well…I have been following this whole NSA/spying flap over the past couple of days and the question that pops into my head is: “What’s wrong with transparency?” Why is it so terrible that we, as citizens, know what the hell our government is up to…especially when it directly affects us? It’s not like they’ve foiled hundreds of terrorist plots gathering all of this data…in fact, the head of the NSA has said that there may have been one plot foiled…and don’t give me that crap that it is worth it if one plot is foiled…since we don’t even know what the definition of “plot” is…is a full scale terrorist attack that was foiled or was it a couple of wannabes talking back and forth on facebook? Even with all of this money being spent…and there are over 400,000 people that are working on gathering and analyzing the data…they didn’t catch the Boston bombers and they are the sort of people that the NSA is supposed to be protecting us from….all the while we spend billions upon billions of dollars on this nonsense while bridges collapse and thousands of people die from gun violence every year…and thousands more from preventable diseases that could be cured if they had health insurance. I think we are at the point where we really do need to bring some light to these programs so we, as a people, can actually have a say in how we want to be kept safe and how much liberty we are prepared to cede to do it…geez…
What happened to the fourth amendment?
Well…for quite a while now, I have been concerned by the daily erosion of the protections of the fourth amendment both by the courts and by the legislature of the federal government. I don’t understand it, either…when there is so much outcry about any infringement of the 2nd amendment and the rabid howls from the right when even sensible laws controlling guns are proposed, and yet with the revelations that the NSA has been infringing on the 4th on a daily basis…only a few repubs have come forward to oppose this big brother dragnet. The most egregious justification for it is the general one of “safety” and that the government is “protecting” us from some amorphous threat that is out there but they won’t tell us what the threat is or what they are doing to protect us…this creates the next question which is why should we believe agencies that lie on a daily basis?”. This boils down to one quote that I use quite often that distills the balance between risk and freedom: “..those who give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety…” Ben Franklin…geez…