Well…yeah, I’m a little late today with getting a second ride in just a few minutes ago, but I did want to talk a little about the moron in chief and his bleating that his campaign was “spied” on during the 2016 election…hey, idiot boy…it wasn’t spying, it was a criminal investigation of the criminals that you surrounded yourself with…and no amount of lying by you or by your toady Barr is going to change that. One other thing, facts are facts and it is a fact that damn near everyone on your campaign met with the Russians to try to get their help to elect you…and yes, there was collusion and the only way you got away with it was that your criminal minions destroyed enough evidence that Mueller couldn’t meet the DOJ rules for indicting your ass….so, media, stop parroting this frickin idiot’s “spying” bullshit and tell the truth…and no, both sides don’t do it…only this criminal colluded with the Russians, only this idiot obstructed justice at least 10 times during the Mueller investigation…oh, and by the way…it was revealed just yesterday that trump and his buddies in the congress…I’m talking to you, Devin Nunes…obstructed justice during the Mike Flynn debacle, too…can there be any reason left to not impeach this asshole? Impeach…
Tag Archives: spying
Trump rolls over for the Russians….
Well….if you had any doubt that the idiot trump is in the pockets of the Russians, another piece of damning evidence surfaced today with trump’s intention of giving back to them two estates that were taken by Obama for the Russians using them to spy on the US and interfere in our election. Yep, the idiot is now rewarding the Russians for electing him by allowing them to go back to estates that were and will be used to spy on the US…and this from the party that is supposed to be so strong on national defense and protecting the US from our enemies…let’s just give them more tools to spy on us….what’s next? The idiot trump lets them have their own office in the White House? This is one of the most idiotic things I have ever heard of….and that is going a long way after seeing all of the idiocy from trump and his cronies…impeach…
Why do we have to continue?
Well…yeah, that title is a little misleading, but what I wanted to say would have been too long to be one…what I wanted to say was…why do we have to continue to reiterate the fourth amendment? Shouldn’t the fourth amendment itself be enough? I guess not, and some of the legislators in the US congress feel the same way with the revelations of the NSA spying on you me, and everyone in the country. In fact, Alan Grayson, a Florida congressman, has just introduced legislation basically saying again what the fourth amendment says…that you can’t gather info on anyone unless there is probable cause that a crime has been committed and the warrants are approved by a judge. No more of this “let’s just watch everybody” under the guise of protecting us…I, for one, don’t want to be protected if that means that the government watches everything that I do…every phone call, every internet search, every text, and even the location data from our phones…one of the things that always happens is that the government will find a use for this data and I have no faith this use will be limited to those uses that are constitutional so they must stop…geez…
What’s wrong with transparency?
Well…I have been following this whole NSA/spying flap over the past couple of days and the question that pops into my head is: “What’s wrong with transparency?” Why is it so terrible that we, as citizens, know what the hell our government is up to…especially when it directly affects us? It’s not like they’ve foiled hundreds of terrorist plots gathering all of this data…in fact, the head of the NSA has said that there may have been one plot foiled…and don’t give me that crap that it is worth it if one plot is foiled…since we don’t even know what the definition of “plot” is…is a full scale terrorist attack that was foiled or was it a couple of wannabes talking back and forth on facebook? Even with all of this money being spent…and there are over 400,000 people that are working on gathering and analyzing the data…they didn’t catch the Boston bombers and they are the sort of people that the NSA is supposed to be protecting us from….all the while we spend billions upon billions of dollars on this nonsense while bridges collapse and thousands of people die from gun violence every year…and thousands more from preventable diseases that could be cured if they had health insurance. I think we are at the point where we really do need to bring some light to these programs so we, as a people, can actually have a say in how we want to be kept safe and how much liberty we are prepared to cede to do it…geez…