Well…yeah, I’m a little late today with getting a second ride in just a few minutes ago, but I did want to talk a little about the moron in chief and his bleating that his campaign was “spied” on during the 2016 election…hey, idiot boy…it wasn’t spying, it was a criminal investigation of the criminals that you surrounded yourself with…and no amount of lying by you or by your toady Barr is going to change that. One other thing, facts are facts and it is a fact that damn near everyone on your campaign met with the Russians to try to get their help to elect you…and yes, there was collusion and the only way you got away with it was that your criminal minions destroyed enough evidence that Mueller couldn’t meet the DOJ rules for indicting your ass….so, media, stop parroting this frickin idiot’s “spying” bullshit and tell the truth…and no, both sides don’t do it…only this criminal colluded with the Russians, only this idiot obstructed justice at least 10 times during the Mueller investigation…oh, and by the way…it was revealed just yesterday that trump and his buddies in the congress…I’m talking to you, Devin Nunes…obstructed justice during the Mike Flynn debacle, too…can there be any reason left to not impeach this asshole? Impeach…