Well…it was an okay day yesterday and with it being a no cocktail night, I feel pretty good this morning…I wonder if I need to make every night a no cocktail night? That will be something to think about…didn’t sleep well…but, I will take that over feeling like crap all day…and, I am going to the youngest son’s house for the Wings game tonight so that is something to look forward to…even bought beer….and I did have a nice lunch with T that always raises my spirits…I did freeze my butt off on the bike yesterday but I am not ready to go full thermasuit yet…or even to wear gloves…I even put the top down on the car going out to lunch while I was still shivering….but I just had to…it LOOKED warm…not much to do today…the normal routine and then the Tigers play at 4…and I do have some errands to run so that will be something…more later…