Scott Walker is at it again…

Well…there is no other description necessary for ole Scott of Wisconsin than that of a liar and a thief…the latest outrage centers on what he is doing for his cronies that work for him in the state government…with controls on the amount of pay he can pay his synchophants, he has devised a scheme to circumvent the laws of the state by moving them into phantom jobs and raising their pay since it is a “new” position even though they continue to do the same job they had before….then, he does this a few more times, allowing him to reward these cronies while he cuts the pay of union workers and takes away their rights…this is the face of modern republicanism that I have railed about here for years…they hate government until they find ways to use it to steal for their friends and donors….this crap should be illegal and this hypocrite should be in jail….geez…

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