November 22nd

Well…it was just another day yesterday and nothing happened…to me anyway…and that is what my life is like now…slept okay but no dreams…that’s getting repetitive, too….running late…that’s getting repetitive, too….oh, well…didn’t do much yesterday but get the bike ride in and got some cleaning done…and that looks like the same for today…other than pool, that is…the Wings finally won a game last night and that was cool…not much to do today…I’m just not feeling this right now so I am going to go finish the coffee and look at the radar to see if I can get out on the bike…might be nice to take the day off from riding since the lack of music is pretty de-motivating….only got out the door yesterday before the thing died…I am starting to think I may have been taken by the joint in Hong Kong that I bought the battery from since it’s been two weeks and it is still not here…oh, well…

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