Well…i will admit I’m a little gleeful with the document dump that came out of Wisconsin over the past couple of days that shows that ole Scott Walker knew that his public employees who worked for the county where he was executive were illegally using county time and resources to support his campaign for governor….something he has said over and over that he knew nothing about. How’s that lying working out for you, Scotty? Not to mention this is public corruption that is a high misdemeanor and the same thing that at least one of those aides has gone to jail for. So, I call on the prosecutor there to take this new evidence and charge the idiot…I am heartened that there are still investigations going on in this matter and that is what should come out of it…let’s keep counting…third repub governor this year to be shown to be the criminal thugs that we on the left know they are…and again, just shows how the repubs don’t think the laws apply to them…only to the little guys like you and me…geez…