Well…living here in Michigan, you would think there is a guy or woman named ACA that is running for every office they way that the Kochs are spending money to try to defeat him/her. The latest ad that they are running has some woman with cancer that goes on to say that with Obamacare and it’s out of pocket expenses, she is going to die since she can’t afford them and her plan got canceled…all of the talking points that the Kochs are pushing to hurt people for political advantage for their right wing nutjobs. The only problem that these ads are having is that all of them have been found to be full of lies and half truths and the media is finally calling bullshit on them….this one is no different. First, cancer is no picnic and I don’t wish this woman any more stress than she is already going through…but, by being in this ad, she opened herself up to fact checking…something that was done well by Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post. First, yes, her non-compliant policy was canceled….but, she was able to get one for almost 700 dollars a month less than she was paying….and the bitch about how she can’t afford the 6,350 out of pocket costs in the new policy? When you net the old payments with her new ones…her actual costs are lower than they were before….and, let’s make this one more point…before the ACA, her chances to get canceled because she was sick was a very real possibility…under the ACA they can’t cancel at all. Living in Michigan, I live with the crazy right that are so frickin delusional that they will believe anything, and I think this woman was probably paid well for her part in pushing these lies….how can she live with herself? Oh, that’s right, the right has no shame…geez…