Well…ole turdblossom strikes again and makes me wonder why anyone still listens to this idiot. If you remember old Karl calling Ohio for Mitt when everyone else, even fox news, had called the state for Obama….now this abject idiot comes out yesterday and questions if Hillary is qualified to be president since she has “brain damage” and was in the hospital for 30 days last year….first, it was four days and second, the “brain damage’ was a slight concussion she got from bumping her head when she fainted from dehydration….even for the right who have hated the Clintons since Bill was elected, this is way, way out there…making up lies about someone’s health to get the buzz started that maybe she is too old and unhealthy to be elected if she runs…I think they have been watching “Doctor Who” too much since this is exactly what the doctor did to the British prime minister who just killed a spaceship of retreating aliens…but he did it with just 6 words…”don’t you think she looks tired?” Crawl back in your hole Karl…geez…