Well…it was a strange day yesterday but I got a few things done so maybe that’s something…running late today since I just can’t get motivated to do this, or anything else for that matter…haven’t heard from T since a short text over the weekend so maybe, finally, that is done…16 years…that’s really a long time for something to end with nothing other than smoke disappearing in the breeze but maybe it’s fitting…who knows? Didn’t sleep for crap last night and these days of 4 to 6 hours is starting to take a toll on my energy level….and it’s cold again so back to half thermasuit for the ride today…might have to take a day off in the next week or so since it is becoming work again and that may lead to taking more days off that I can’t afford…not much to do today….need to clean around here again and get the kitchen presentable but, again, no motivation is going to make that a little hard….more later…,