Pretty frickin outrageous…

Well…just read a little article on one of the websites that has my jaw dropping in it’s so outrageous….while the reps in both the senate and house work for the people in their districts and the law says they have to take time to listen to them, there is a new twist that the repubs are trying out to limit the participation of people they don’t want there…they are charging money to attend the town hall meetings that are supposed to be so their constituents can question them about their votes and express their thoughts on what they want from their rep. In the past couple of months…ole Paul Ryan has started to charge admission of 15 dollars a head for access to these meeting with the express intent of keeping the “riff raff” out of these meetings…and by riff raff that means anyone who is going to ask them a question that might put them on the spot…just when I think the repubs can’t sink much lower…they have sold our democracy to the highest bidder and now they are charging for the “privilege” to talk to them…what a bunch of grifters…geez…

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