Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I made a little cash so that was cool…but, it took me over an hour and a half to get to sleep last night and I was up all night again so that wasn’t cool…not sure what to do about it since I have tried everything I know…oh, well…didn’t get much done but today will be better…I think…can’t be worse….I do have some errands to run today….need to find some black silicone to repair an abrasion on the top of the car before winter…and I do need to clean it and get ready for the color tour with the group Sat…hoping for 10 cars or so driving through the countryside and it is only for a couple of hours so I guess I can do that….need to make sure the mp-3 player is charged along with the phone…not much to do today…oh, already talked about that…more later…