Well…I laughed a little this morning…okay, I laughed a lot at the news this morning that the national repub party has pulled their money for ads supporting the walking dead repub senate candidate Terri Land….with the polls showing her from 10-12 points behind Gary Peters, I guess they have seen the writing on the wall and one of the brain cells they have left have realized here candidacy is dead, dead, dead. I guess it will be left to the Kochs to try to buy the seat and keep pissing the money away…can’t happen to nicer guys….and the one other good thing is that the money that would have had to be spent to help Peters can now go to going after the idiot Snyder…I’d like to see them ask him one question: “Where are the jobs?” When your state is 36 out of 50 in job creation, ole Snyder has to be held accountable….geez…