Well…I’m sure you’ve heard by now of the news that the idiot trump shared nuclear sub secrets with an Australian businessman who then blabbed those same secrets with almost 100 people across the world…yeah, he did it…but now we know why idiot boy did it and that has started an investigation of espionage against the idiot and the businessman…and the whole thing keys on the fact that the businessman gave trump millions of dollars and trump wanted the money to keep flowing so he blabbed secrets to him to make sure that happened even though he lost the election…the money started flowing to trump right after the Russians installed him as president and the businessman joined the idiot’s tacky Florida club…and it just kept flowing as the businessman wormed his way into the idiot’s inner circle…and the kicker here is that the businessman knew the entire relationship was transactional…that he knew that he could keep access only if the money kept flowing and even told his friends that he was buying his way in…so now the question has to be answered “what was trump going to do with all of the secrets he stole?” It is obvious he was selling info to this businessman, so who else was he doing it to? I don’t have any faith that anything will happen to idiot boy for doing this…after all, nothing he has done has put him in jail so why would anyone think this time will be different? Geez…
Tag Archives: Donald Trump
A “partial” gag order?
Well…as I’ve said before, if anyone else had attacked judges, witnesses, and prosecutors as the idiot trump has done since he was charged with 91 felonies, they would be sitting their fat asses in jail until the trial is over…and today, even though the judge has imposed a “partial” gag order on the idiot, it is so narrow that it’s not going to do one bit of good to keep him from continuing to tank his trials by his antics…so why do it at all? To make it look like the judge is tough or to try to say that no one is above the law? That’s laughable since idiot boy has gotten away with breaking every damn law in the country and he’s still running around free…and now he is free to do what no other defendant in history has been able to do without any fear of penalty…try to screw up the legal system so much that they just let him go…he should be rotting in jail right now…geez…
This is too funny…
Well…haven’t been doing many political ones since I left for the trip but I have a morning off and thought I’d do one about the laffer that I read this morning…as the idiot trump was trying to certify his 2nd amendments bonafides a couple of days back at a gun show somewhere in the south, of course, the idiot MTG thought it would be a good idea if he bought a gun at the show and showed it off…and his campaign staffers were all in on videoing it as the idiot stood there with that stupid grin on his face…but, there is just one little problem…it is illegal for anyone under indictment for a felony that carries a one year or more sentence to purchase a gun…and I think 4 indictments with 91 felony charges fit that part of the law…so, I guess we are now at 92 charges unless he did what he always does, lie about purchasing the gun or having and aide do it since he never spends any of what little money he has left…all I have to say to the local prosecutor who now has video evidence of idiot boy committing a crime…get on it an indict this ass….let’s make it 92 felonies…geez…
Ha, ha…
Well…with all of the attacks on Joe Biden for being old and slipping, I just saw a photo of Biden and the idiot trump side by side, Joe riding his bike and looking fit as ever, and idiot boy looking like a beached whale sitting in a golf cart…and the media keeps saying that idiot boy is the more fit? All you would have to do to see the monumental decline of idiot boy is to listen to the stupid interview that NBC did over the weekend…not that I’d ever want to have you damage you eyes or ears by doing that…cripes I’d have to use ear and eye bleach after that….look, I know Joe is 80 and has a history of gaffes at times but he did that when he was younger, too…it’s just who he is and I would much rather have a trim, fit 80 year old good guy for president than the clearly failing asshole that is trump….and one of these days the media needs to wise up along with the American people…there is only one choice to be made and it sure as hell isn’t trump…geez…
NBC is attacking the US
Well…I sure as hell didn’t watch the idiot trump on “Meet the Press” this morning but the general consensus is that the whole thing was a mistake for NBC since they let him come on and just keep on lying through the whole interview…and what the hell legitimate news organization lets a person who is under 91 felony charges and who is a proven rapist come on tv for a whole hour just like it’s the most normal thing in the world? Whoever is running NBC should be fired today along with the new anchor who just let him lie and lie with no pushback or fact checking…a debacle like this used to be career ending and it still should be…there is no place for letting this felon spew his toxic bullshit…by allowing this, NBC is complicit in attacking our country as much as any terrorist….geez…
Americans are crazy…
Well…with the latest polls out that show the frickin idiot trump tied with Joe Biden really means that Americans are crazy…or stupid, or delusional…they even rate them the same on honesty and criminality…and that last one just makes me shake my head…the idiot charged with 91 felonies is the same as Jo Biden who has never been charged with a crime? The moron who tried to overthrow the government is rated the same as Joe who has done more for the country in 3 years than any president in history…the asshole who is one of only two presidents to lose jobs in his presidency is rated the same as Joe who has created 12 million jobs in his first three years? The dumbest president in history who added 7 trillion dollars to the debt in one term is rated the same as Joe who has taken the deficit down by a trillion dollars a year cleaning up after the disaster of trump? You get my point…anyone who thinks that idiot boy can compare to Joe in any way is just willfully stupid…and they would like nothing better to return to the circus of trump so they can continue to “own the libs” while the country burns and the rich steal it all…
A bad week for idiot boy…
Well…I had to laugh this week when it was reported that trump continued to lose in court, not once but twice…in NY a judge entered a summary judgement in the second defamation case against idiot boy by E. jean Carroll…the judge said the earlier case had enough evidence for this one, too so he said the only thing they need a trial for is to set the damages in the case…the last one cost him 5 million dollars so this one will probably be more…oh, and in Florida, one of the little fish that trump was trying to make a fall guy has flipped and is testifying against the idiot in the stolen documents case…and to have a live witness to go with the mountains of other evidence is the last nail in that coffin…so a no good, very bad week for idiot boy…and I couldn’t be happier…
Trump is so damn dumb…and so are his followers…
Well…grifters gotta grift…and there is no more of a stupid grifter as the idiot trump….with reports out for a week or so saying that he is just about broke, the grifter in chief came up with the latest one which is a picture of his mugshot on t-shirts that he is selling to pay his legal bills…but that’s not the worst of it…under the mugshot he has printed “never surrender”…but the stupid part is that he was literally surrendering when he had that picture taken…but that doesn’t matter to his stupid followers who are just eating the shirts up and giving him even more of their money for him to squander….it is just breathtaking how stupid these people are…who in their right minds would walk around with the ugly mug of the idiot on it? Oh, yeah…other idiots…geez…
What an idiot…
Well…damn, I laughed out loud when I saw the idiot trump’s mug shot from being arrested last night…I’m pretty sure he thought he was looking tough but he just looks like he just filled his diapers and ran out of new ones….I know that he has been told to shut the hell up by his lawyers or he’ll end up in the can until his trials so this is what he does for his deranged followers…giving them a visual cue that he is the toughest guy in the gang and it is just so sorry…and memes out there are really funny, too, as people take the mug shot and turn it into very funny ideas…and you noticed he didn’t say anything as he went in or out of the jail or at his plane at the airport…I’m pretty sure the lawyers told him they were out of there if he keeps up his bullshit attacking everyone…I still don’t think he believes he’s in any trouble and will get out of all of this just fine…and within an hour, he had the mugshot on a fundraising e-mail sent out to his glassy eyed disciples…and one of the newspeople on MSNBC last night made the funny comment that his followers were going to pay for the fuel for his jet in just the time he spent going from the jail to the airport…what a bunch of morons…geez…
Today’s the day…
Well…today is the day when the idiot trump is going to be arrested, cuffed, fingerprinted, and a mugshot taken like the common criminal he is…and it appears that it is dawning on the other 18 co conspiritors that they really are going to jail…and a couple of them were so stupid as to invoke the speedy trial rule to try to get their cases moved to federal court and that has only driven Fani Willis to say she will oblige them and move the trials of all of them up to this year instead of next…meadows even tried to avoid getting arrested by saying she couldn’t do it until the motion to move the trial is heard and a judge just flattened that by saying he has to surrender before the motion…so, they are all going to be going to trial soon rather than later…and that suits me just fine…geez…