Category Archives: Politics

19 investigations and counting…

Well…the one man swamp that is Scott Pruitt  continues to ooze more corruption ever day and today is no different…it was revealed this morning that Pruitt and his staff has been has been “scrubbing” his calendar and has falsified or hid records of meetings he has had with the industries the EPA is supposed to regulate since they may
“look bad” since the only people he meets with are lobbying to gut all environmental regulation in this country. “Willful concealment or destruction” of records is a federal crime that could result in jail time…but this is not the worst part of the destruction of the EPA…independent analysis has concluded that the regulations that are being cut will result in 88,000 deaths over the course of 10 years…yep, trump and his administration are going to kill over 8,000 Americans a year just so he and his cronies can profit more from polluting this country….but hey, what’s 8,000 lives compared to the need for the rich to get richer?

See, I told you I was going to get back to politics…

This is too funny…

Well…with the idiot trump heading to England this weekend for some reason, the protesters there are gearing up for massive rallies in every city he is scheduled to visit, with estimates of over a million people who are committed to showing their displeasure of trump in general, and his racist immigration policies specifically. One of the funniest damn things that is going to happen is a balloon of a trump baby in diapers that is going to fly over Parliament…the permit was issued by the mayor of London yesterday and it was met by cheers by the people who have been raising money to build and fly the balloon…I don’t remember what the Obama protest balloon looked like…oh, that’s right, there wasn’t one…he wasn’t the buffoon that trump is…impeach…

Where’s the new civil war?

Well…sometimes the hard right bullshit that I try to avoid bleeds into my news feeds and makes my jaw drop…the latest one came from Alex Jones and his crazy assed website called Infowars when earlier in the week he bleated breathlessly that he had discovered a super secret liberal plan to start a new civil war and lock up all of the conservatives in the country…and he “knew” it was going to happen on the 4th of July….and that was yesterday…I tweeted all day trying to find out where it was so I could go and participate but it was so secret that no one knew where it was…I’m sure that was part of the super secret plan…darn, I am a little miffed that I missed it…I could have waved some sparklers to show my support…and have a cocktail to toast the participants…I wonder how I can get into the super secret loop so when the next one happens I can be included? Darn….

Back to politics…

Well…as you know, I’ve been a little short on political ones here lately, but I’ll try to do more as things get weirder and weirder. Last week, the Senate Intelligence Committee released it’s findings that yes, the Russians did interfere in the 2016 election and yes, they did it to elect the idiot trump. You would think that this bombshell would have repubs keeping their heads down since it was not just trump that they helped…they poured money into almost every repub race across the country…but, no…guess what happened just yesterday? A bunch of repub senators were back in Russia to hold secret meetings with high level Russians, including the spy/ambassador Kislyak who was implicated in the conspiracy to help trump…no meeting notes, no reporters, just more secrecy and more conspiracy. I wonder if they are there to get the Russians started on attacking the 2018 election? Whatever their motives, these senators work for us and we have the right to know who they are talking to and what they are talking about…and the same crap is happening when the idiot boy meets with Putin to get his next batch of orders in the next week or so…no reporters, no record of the meeting or what is talked about…this is bullshit and they know it….trump got played by Kim and it is even going to be worse with Putin….impeach…

Poor little snowflakes…

Well…just got a huge laugh from the whining of trump defender Alan Dershowitz saying he is a victim of “social profiling”…here’s the money quote: “I have experienced this first hand on Martha’s Vineyard. Old friends are shunning me and trying to ban me from their social life.” First, poor little snowflake…you go on tv almost daily defending the worst person in the world and you expect people to be okay with that?  You should be banned from the entire damn world since you continue to give trump cover for being the racist idiot that he is….and now you whine that you’re not getting invited to parties anymore? Have you ever thought to not protect trump? To be a good human being that people want to be with?  There are consequences to actions moron….but you snowflakes truly believe that you can be the biggest assholes in the world and everyone has to just take it and smile….poor, poor baby….

Trump’s dementia is getting worse

Well…isn’t anyone in the WH going to do something about the idiot trump’s worsening dementia? Over the past few days, his decline has been on full display as he has started to imagine things that never happened and has presented them to the world as true…first, he completely made up that someone, somewhere in the US is building a new billion dollar steel plant because of his tariffs…the only problem is that not one reporter or fact checker or anyone else could find it…you would think that if someone was going to build a billion dollar anything, it should be pretty easy to find the permits or the orders for steel or concrete that would be needed…nope, nothing…just another delusion from someone suffering from progressive dementia. The second instance was his assertion that the gang MS-13 had taken over towns on Long Island and that he had “watched” I.C.E. go into the towns and “liberate” them from gang control….this never happened, either, and when sheriffs from many towns on Long Island were contacted to ask about these gangs, many of them scoffed…calling them “baby bandits” since the members of MS-13 are usually in their early teens and they don’t see them as much of a threat. So, now we have a “president” who is more and more living in a fantasy world of “easy” trade wars, imaginary steel plants, and gang action that never took place…when are you going to do something about him, repubs? Yeah, I know, you won’t do a damn thing until the US is in a smoking heap…impeach…

A little good news…

Well…on a day where the stolen supreme court seat gave the repubs just what they stole it for, to gut unions across this country, there was a little good news hiding in the primary elections that were held yesterday. In every state, the dems got their turnout up by from 120-160% as compared to the repubs whose turnout was up by 30-40%. With the fact that there is more of us than them, this type of turnout, if translated to the November election, starts to telegraph that there may be something big going on…and we may even be able to take back the senate…and it that happens, there will not be another SC justice approved during idiot boy’s term…using the McConnell rule that the seat kept open until there is a dem president.  There is a an enthusiasm gap and I hope we can keep it up until November…impeach…

A big deal in Michigan…

Well…not sure if any of you have heard of this since it has flown under the radar here in Michigan…there has been a ballot proposal approved for this November that takes redistricting out of the hands of politicians and puts it into the hands of an independent commission to get rid of the awful gerrymandering the repubs have done to deprive people of the vote. In every election since the repubs started to cheat and drew districts to favor them, there have been more dem votes than repub but the repubs control the entire goverment here and that is just wrong…and, we all know that they can’t win any elections without cheating since demographics are a tidal wave coming at them with the young and minority voters overwhelmingly going for the dems. This proposal would create a commission of 4 dems, 4 repubs, and 5 independents that would draw new lines in 2020 and that has the repubs sweating bullets, and, with yesterday’s SC decision that racially motivated gerrymandering is just peachy with them, the only recourse to ensure a fair vote is to take redistricting out of the hands of repubs and put it back in the hands of the people. When this happened in California, the new, fairly drawn districts took control of the state out of the hands of the minority repubs and gave it to voters which resulted in the dems having a super majority….and that can happen here, too, and we can get control of our state back from the trump loving assholes who run it now….geez…

Stupid, stupid trump…

Well…how’s that trade war working out for you now, trump voters? It was announced this morning that Harley Davidson is moving half of it’s production to the EU to avoid the tariffs that were put in place by the EU in response to the idiot trumps tariffs on them. There goes another 1500 jobs from Wisconsin and puts Harley on a path to stop producing in the US altogether and it’s all because of trump. Trade wars are easy to win, huh? trump and his cronies must be the dumbest people on the planet since they didn’t think through any of the effects that his stupid tariffs would have on the US…he is just dumb enough to think that he is punishing other countries with his tariffs when all they have done is cost jobs here and raise prices on everyone in this country…did you get a tax cut from the scam tax bill? That’s all gone and more with the price increases that are coming in a couple of months…how do you like all that winning, trump voters? Impeach….

Okay…I’m all over the map on this…

Well….if you read the previous on on Sarah Huckabee Sanders and my feelings that we have to be better than the thugs and racists that a running this country right now, and we do, but if the institutions that are supposed to make sure this country survives won’t do their jobs (I’m talking to you congress) then we the people have to do something, then we have to make the criminals and liars understand  that what they are doing is unacceptable and expose their crimes to everyone….and part of that is to register the disgust we feel with all of the enablers of the thug in chief…to make sure that their behavior is not further normalized…that the lies are not normalized, that their destruction of the norms of the US is not further normalized…I can understand why the restaurant owner did what she did….that she just couldn’t bear what Sanders is helping to do to this country and did her little part to strike back…after all, this is what used to happen in this country when the leaders had a sense of shame and people called them out on their bad behavior…but that was sacrificed to the repubs lack of any morality or integrity so I guess we have to do something individually to try to protect this country…it’s all part of the resistance that many of us try to do every day…maybe we do have to bring a gun to a gunfight…and then try to fix it when we win….