Tag Archives: Clarence Thomas

Rot in the supreme court…

Well..hey, and you didn’t think things could get worse at the supreme court…a little naive, huh? Damn, when have you ever heard of a SC justice’s wife being involved in trying to overthrow the government? That’s exactly what happened with Ginni Thomas, the wife of Clarence whose text messages to Mark Meadows and others in the trump crime administration were just revealed yesterday…and that makes Clarence’s vote to keep trump’s papers private (the only one on the court to do so) even more suspect…hmmm…it’s kinda like he was using his seat on the court to protect his wife since he knew that she was in on the coup attempt up to her right wing neck….look, I’ve heard all of the hot takes on this corruption of the court…or this latest corruption of the court by the repubs that started with mcconnell stealing three seats and putting right wing toadies in the in these lifelong appointments….and the breathlessness with which they are being reported…but, unless the DOJ or the House or someone does something about it, it will just be another Friday where the repubs get away with ruining another part of the government by their short sighted lust for power….and no one is held responsible. What the hell does it take? And why are the dems not appointing a special prosecutor to take this corruption on? I think this is going to be the day we lost our democracy if nothing is done….and I’m sure nothing will be…geez…

Too good to be true…

Well….I usually have to read some news item in at least a couple of places before I will believe it…but, sometimes something comes along that I just want to be true so that requirement is suspended…one of those came along yesterday with rumors the Clarence Thomas is thinking of retiring from the supreme court. I know, your first thought is “who would notice?” since he holds theĀ  record for the fewest questions asked by a justice in the history of the court and has no thoughts of his own…acting as little more than an echo chamber for Scalia’s rantings. I can understand why he would be thinking about leaving now…after all, when Hillary is elected and appoints a progressive judge, Thomas’s only job will then be to write dissents to cases that the conservative block will lose and that will just piss those asses off…maybe we can get Alito to do the same? Or all of the conservatives? All I know is that with progressive control, there won’t be any more “Citizen’s United” or cases that will infringe on a woman’s right to chose…to Thomas all I have to say is don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out….geez…

More nonsense from Scalia and Thomas….

Well….if you had any doubt of the outcome of the court challenges to the new healthcare law, all you have to do is take a look at who was dining with the the major challengers of the law. The other day, both justices Thomas and Scalia dined at a dinner that was sponsored by the law firm that will be challenging the law in court…yep, you heard it right, the justices that are supposed to be the most impartial and held to the highest standards of any court in the land are out rubbing elbows with not only the law firm that will be arguing in front of them but with trade associations who are financially backing the suit. Doesn’t this look like a conflict of interest to anyone else? This doesn’t even include that justice Thomas’s wife is a leading proponent of repeal and makes millions of dollars as a lobbyist for the repeal crowd. This isn’t even the first time these two have done something that is, by statute, not illegal, but still stinks of influence coming from the big money folks on the right…they have been regulars at the Koch brothers sponsored events for years…and I don’t care how much they protest that they will still be objective, all you have to do is read some of their opinions to see that the right’s machine has friends on the court. Geez….