Tag Archives: Antonin Scalia

The stupidity..it burns…

Well…I know that some of us…or all of us know some lawyers that are not the brightest people in the room…but we really do have a new winner for the most stupid person in the world. An Arizona lawyer…Kory Langhofer, proposes that we let Scalia vote on pending cases even though he’s dead…and his reasoning is that everyone knows how he would vote on the cases and he started hearing them, so just let John Roberts have two votes on all these cases….nevermind that the constitution says that appointments to the court are for a lifetime term…not for a lifetime and a few months after death…now, I have heard a lot of stupid stuff come out of Arizona over the years but this one wins for the burning hunk of stupidity it is…man, where do they get these guys?  geez…


Well…as you have seen here before, one of the joys of my life is calling out the hypocrites on the right I guess whenever they open their mouths…now, they are at it again with the death of Antonin Scalia yesterday…now, you have heard me go on about Scalia and his wrongheadedness on almost every opinion he ever wrote, and all you have to do is read his Bush v. Gore, Hobby Lobby, and Citizens United opinions to see what I mean…he had a penchant for just making stuff up to meet his biases…and his ethical challenges were well known with his frequent trips to the Koch brothers secret meetings where at least the appearance of impropriety oozed out of him. But now that he has died, the repubs hypocrisy is on full display…on a daily basis, these idiots rail and rail about the constitution and that Obama is tearing it up….as soon as the death was announced, the repubs new meme is that, since Obama is in the last year of his term, we should wait to name a new justice until the next president is elected…and they are justifying that by constitution, constitution…something something….well…there is nothing in the constitution that says a president can’t appoint someone in his last term…not anywhere…and, to leave a vacancy on the court for a year has never been done…even saint Ronnie of Reagan appointed one in his last year….I really do hope that the repubs will carry through on their threats to not approve any nominee….and then, when we win the election and take back the senate, we can get a real progressive on the court that will start to repeal all of the wrongheaded crap that the conservatives have foisted on this country….geez…

The crazy runs deep in Scalia…

Well…there was an interesting article about ole Scalia in New York magazine this past week that should cement his status as the craziest MF ever to sit on the supreme court…even though he finds himself to be one of the “intellectual giants” on the court (that might not be his own words but it is how he acts when anyone disagrees with him) he is the least curious justice that has ever been…but the worst part is that he is proud of it…just like the rest of the repubs in this country. His daily reading consists of only the Wall Street Journal (one of Murdoch’s propaganda rags) and the Washington Times….another paper that is well know to be a shill for the republican party…then goes on to say he never listens to anything but right wing talk radio….building a right wing bubble that would be the envy of any of those on the right and isolating himself from any challenges to his wrong-headed ideas on many, many issues starting with Citizens United and the DOMA dissent that he wrote. But, the thing that brings his delusions into focus is his bald assertion that the devil exists and is active in daily life…and he attacked his interviewer when a look of disbelief crossed over his face…and then continued his attack saying that he was so isolated that he didn’t understand the “real” America where almost everyone believes in the devil…well…not in my America they don’t…now we have a justice of the highest court in the US being proud of the fact that he lets myth and superstition rule his life? It is just another instance of the right thinking that everyone thinks like them when it is just not true…and this is driven by the fact that the right only listens to the right and right wing radio and media so they are deluded into thinking that the country supports that nonsense….I had no respect for Scalia before…now, I’m just scared of him….and the damage he can still do to this country…geez…

Scalia is still an idiot…

Well…have been following the supreme court decisions that have been coming out this week with some interest and one thing stuck me with the release of the opinions on Doma and prop 8 this morning….Scalia is still and idiot. Let me explain, in striking down the provisions of the voting rights act, Scalia basically said that even though the update of the act passed in 2006 nearly unanimously by congress, the court didn’t like the formula used to trigger the act so they could strike it….but, today, this idiot, in his dissent to the ruling on DOMA said the court had no standing to decide on an act that was passed by congress…now, what the hell is it Scalia? You know why he decided the way he did in the VRA…he just doesn’t believe there is discrimination in voting anymore…even with all of the evidence presented, he just ignored it and gave those repub controlled states the okay to continue their efforts to make sure that only whites have the right to vote….and in DOMA he was just trying to weasel out of reading the constitution (something he goes on and on about) and applying the equal protection that is contained in it. This idiot should be retired or impeached….he is not the “great legal brain” that pundits say…he is just a little man trying to impose his bigoted will on the US…geez…

Here’s an idea…

Well…with the ugly comments that were made by ole Scalia in the supreme court last week, and the general consensus that the Voting Rights act is going to be struck down by the conservative assholes on the court…an idea just popped into my head…as I sit here and think about it, it is seeming less and less like a good idea…oh, the idea is to extend the VRA to cover the entire country, not just the states that have been caught cheating to keep people from voting. I wonder where the court gets their news? In my news, the shenanigans of vote suppression and rigging is still in full force across the country so why not make it a federal crime to do this crap? Maybe if that was done, the repubs would stop spending all of their time trying to rig the vote and maybe, just maybe, they would start thinking about getting some jobs legislation going…nope, they’d just move on to more abortion legislation…what a bunch of crap…geez…

Scalia is an idiot…

Well…I am actually ahead by one for the month but I thought I’d come back here for one more to deal with a a couple of things that have come up over the past couple of days..the first one is the comments that justice Scalia made during arguments over the continuation of the voting rights act and whether or not discrimination still exists in voting rights in the southern states that are covered by parts of the act. This idiot stated that the only reason that the congress re-authorized the act overwhelmingly in 2006 was that the members were afraid to vote against a “racial entitlement”, not that there is still discrimination going on..something that is clear IS still happening; especially during the last election with all of the voter suppression that happened across the country. This is probably one of the most outrageous statements I’ve ever heard from a justice of the supreme court and I really do think it raises to the level of an impeachable offense…especially since he is attributing the votes for the act to being a sort of reverse blackmail that minorities are doing to the congress when the only reason the act was re approved is that when these states are left to their own devices, they immediately go back to discriminating against the poor and minorities by throwing up new barriers to their votes. Over the years, Scalia has shown that he is not the “huge brain” that the right holds him up to be, but just a venal, misogynistic, hack who has no problem using his lifelong appointment not to judge on the facts of a case, but to continually misinterpret the law to further his own political ends…the country would be better off if he would just resign and go to work for one of the corporations that he reveres and stop gutting the laws of the land. Geez…

Impeach Scalia…

Well…if it wasn’t clear before that Antonin Scalia was abrogating his responsibilities as a supreme court justice with his naked partisanism and his constant ignoring of legal precedence to advance the conservative agenda, you only have to read excepts of the 22 page screed that he wrote in response to the majority opinion striking down most of Arizona’s draconian immigration law. In it, he breaks all judicial decorum and attacks a sitting president by name, blaming the lack of immigration reform on the Obama administration; never mind that administrations from Reagan on forward have all had the responsibility to act but no one has the political courage to do what’s right for the country and then goes on to laud Arizona for doing something…anything, on immigration even though the majority of the court ruled that what they did was illegal. He then goes on to excoriate the majority basically calling them idiots for the ruling. What stark raving hubris from this judge who is supposed to rule on the law, not on what his conservative friends want him to rule…and whose actions of the past years where he strategized with the far right on how to defeat Obama should have disqualified him from the bench. With this latest explosion of bad manners, he has shown he does not belong on the court…but the only way to remove him is to impeach him…which I wholeheartedly support….geez…

More nonsense from Scalia and Thomas….

Well….if you had any doubt of the outcome of the court challenges to the new healthcare law, all you have to do is take a look at who was dining with the the major challengers of the law. The other day, both justices Thomas and Scalia dined at a dinner that was sponsored by the law firm that will be challenging the law in court…yep, you heard it right, the justices that are supposed to be the most impartial and held to the highest standards of any court in the land are out rubbing elbows with not only the law firm that will be arguing in front of them but with trade associations who are financially backing the suit. Doesn’t this look like a conflict of interest to anyone else? This doesn’t even include that justice Thomas’s wife is a leading proponent of repeal and makes millions of dollars as a lobbyist for the repeal crowd. This isn’t even the first time these two have done something that is, by statute, not illegal, but still stinks of influence coming from the big money folks on the right…they have been regulars at the Koch brothers sponsored events for years…and I don’t care how much they protest that they will still be objective, all you have to do is read some of their opinions to see that the right’s machine has friends on the court. Geez….