Well…my jaw is dropping after just reading an article about an interview that ole Dick did the other day pushing a new book…I don’t know why he needs the money…especially after all of the loot he stole along with Halliburton…but, that’s not what this is about…it is about his absolute lack of irony since, when he was pushing the Iraq war, it was all about he just KNEW there were weapons of mass destruction there so that was the reason for attacking Iraq…now, in this new interview, he has morphed that into we were justified going into Iraq since it proved they didn’t have WMD…what a hypocritical lying piece of crap….this idiot war criminal should be in the dock at the Hague answering for his crimes…over a half million Iraqis dead and 1.8 trillion of yours and my money wasted there….why does anyone still listen to this idiot who has been wrong, wrong, wrong about everything in his whole career…I guess it’s the old boy network at work…you never need to succeed…just cash the checks an move on to the next scam…geez…
Tag Archives: Iraq
Chuck Krauthammer is still an idiot…
Well…after the announcement that the US would be withdrawing all it’s troops from Iraq at the end of the year, the predictable howling started from the right, led, in part, by ole Chuck who savaged Obama on the “failure” of his diplomacy. Never mind that this agreement to withdraw the troops was negotiated by ole GW and his folks in 2008 and was hailed by these same neocon idiots as a wonderful success and a vindication of the lies that sent us to war. Once it was clear that the reasons for the invasion and war were lies, you remember that the reasons kept changing until they settled on the idea that the war was justified to bring democracy to Iraq. But, I guess that those reasons were a lie, too, if you listen to ole Chuck spout his nonsense that because we toppled Saddam, we have the right to stay in that sovereign country indefinitely; no matter what the people of Iraq want. What you don’t understand, Chuck, is that the democratically elected government of Iraq have said no thanks to our offer to stay…so what should we do? Re-invade and topple this government, too? This just shows the moral bankruptcy of the right….that they feel like the US can and should do whatever we want in the world and don’t have to abide by any treaty that we don’t like. The damage that folks like ole Chuck did to this country may be irreparable…why should anyone listen to them now?
Republicans and the rule of law..
Well…just a short one on the ongoing pattern of the repubs that only believes that a law or agreement should be adhered to when it suits them. The latest example of this nonsense is the piling on that happened when Obama announced that all combat troops would be withdrawn from Iraq by the end of the year….and the republicans went nuts calling it a grave failure of diplomacy by Obama’s administration. I’m laughing right now with the absurdity of it all…after all, the agreement to withdraw the troops was negotiated and signed by ole GW….so now, all of the repub candidates and some others on the right are blaming this on Obama? And, they are proposing abrogating another agreement just for political points in an election? These people are the worst kind of panderers, people who will say anything to inflame their base, no matter the damage to the US’s international standing…just like the neocons did getting us into Iraq…it just proves that these folks have an inability to learn…or to live in a reality based world…geez…
Those heartless bastards..
Okay folks..if you had any doubt of what the GOP is all about, all you have to do is open your ears and eyes and listen to the new assaults on the middle class that they have proposed in the last couple of days…first you have George Will (I know, not a legislator but he is a defacto leader and one of the “brightest” brains of the repubs) saying that there should be no more extensions of unemployment benefits for anyone since “doing so will just encourage people to stay unemployed”. Okay George, who in their right mind would chose to lose their house, medical benefits, and everything else they’ve worked for just to get a measley 300 dollars a week? Where the hell are those jobs they are not taking? I’d really like to know since I could use one as could many other people I know..one who is going to lose his house because you and your repub buddies are so worried now about the deficit. Where were you when you and all of your rich, repub cronies were getting millions in tax cuts that you knew were going to put the country in the red and you didn’t care…you got yours so the hell with everyone else.
And now we have Boehner today saying that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan should be paid for by pushing the eligibility for social Security back to 70 and then means testing for anyone to get any money at all. Now, you know how these guys are about taxes, doesn’t he realize this is one of the largest tax increases in history if his plan is followed? Oh, but is not a tax on his beloved corporations but on the middle class so that is okay in his eyes. It is just another way to minimize the importance of Social Security and for the repubs to get what has been their goal since the 30′s; the elimination of any and all safety nets for everyday people…just listen to their senate candidate from Nevada, Sharron Angle, who has stated that Social security should be eliminated and everyone should be on their own.
I sit here amazement that anyone listens to George Will or John Boehner anymore…they are despicable people that need to go away and take their ideas with them….geez….