Category Archives: Politics

The final tally is in…

Well….the final tally is in and it makes trump look even worse…or it looks how good the repubs rigged the system so they would win even when losing….the idiot got only 46% of the vote and Clinton got 3 million more votes than he did…doesn’t anyone else think that’s just wrong? And that is compounded by his 33% approval rating right now…the lowest ever recorded both in vote percentage and in approval….so now, what are we seeing? Voter’s remorse after the idiots in this country really see what the chief idiot is all about? The transition team is basically blowing off the foreign policy experts and are not even close to being able to deal with any crises that come up…and that is according to a national security advisor from the GW Bush administration who famously blew off the warnings that 9/11 was coming. I mark this last day of sanity in this country today….tomorrow will be trumpland where nothing is done unless his administration can turn a profit from it…geez….

Betsy DeVos really is an idiot…

Well…if you have seen or read about the confirmation hearing for Ed sec, you can see that the repub party has sunk to new lows of pay for play….where a totally unqualified person buys her way to a cabinet post. EdSec is a position that is supposed to think about and guarantee a good education to all of the children in this country..but, to hear ole Betsy, that stops if you are not a christian, or if you have disabilities, of if you go to a public school….in fact she has said that no one deserves a public education and has spent her time and untold millions of dollars screwing up the public schools here in Michigan…supporting taking public money and giving it to for profit schools run by repub cronies so to bleed the public schools dry and kill them off. This is all part of the coordinated repub plan to use public money to support religious schools (if they are christian of course) and damn the constitution that provides for the separation of church and state. She has shown that she knows nothing about education and has no training or experience in public education policy…but, that doesn’t matter since her family gave 200 million to the repubs over the years and that makes her qualified in her mind…but that is the only place she is quaified…geez….

Just some thoughts…

Well…have a few thoughts in my head right now so I thought I’d talk a little about them…not sure if any of them could be and entire post…so, the inaugural that trump says is going to be the biggest looks to be one of the most lame in history….at this time for Obama’s last one, you had to go 200 miles into Virginia to find a hotel room…a reporter checking it out found that there are rooms available at 61 hotels in downtown DC….and now the idiot is recording facebook messages begging people to come so he won’t look so lame…the CBO has come out with the cost to repeal Obamacare and it looks ugly…..premiums up by 50% the first year and 37 million people without insurance…and all Paul Ryan has to say is that the CBO hasn’t costed their plan out so how can they know that it isn’t the most wonderful thing in the world? All I have to say to that is where’s the plan, idiot? You keep saying you have one but it’s like double secret probation….you can’t see it…what a bunch of morons…geez…

Oh, forgot one thing…the idiot’s approval rating before he is even in office is down to 40%…to compare, Obama’s was at 84% at the same time period…and one last chuckle…one of the women who the idiot sexually assaulted is going on tv in a minute to announce that she is suing him for the assault…and she has Gloria Allred as her lawyer…I smell an 8 figure settlement coming…

An education secretary who hates public education…

Well…living here in Michigan, we’ve all gotten to know trump’s pick for education secretary, Betsy DeVos, as opposed to anything that has to do with public education, and her family bankrolling the effort to expand and deregulate the charter schools here. So, of course she’s the perfect person to run the education department in repubs eyes since they just hate teachers, teachers unions, and public education in general since you can’t make a profit for their oligarch buddies from it….never mind that she has no education or experience with the issues that the ed sec has to deal with…she does have that large checkbook that now seems to be the only qualification for anything for the repubs…after all, they elected the ignoramus in chief…the most ignorant person ever elected to any office in the US ever….geez….

Jason Chaffetz is a fraud…

Well… didn’t take long for the double standard that runs all repubs to rear it’s ugly head…a couple of days ago the top ethics lawyers for both GW and Obama came out and said that, unless the idiot trump divests himself of his business interests, he will be violating the constitution the day he is sworn in….and the person that is supposed to be investigating that on the house oversight committee, Jason Chaffetz, has said on the Sunday shows that he won’t be doing any investigation of this violation of the constitution…he even went so far as to threaten the chair of the government ethics office for pointing out this violation…and this is the same guy that said that if Clinton was elected, he would start investigations immediately on the supposed and fake Clinton lawbreaking….so, this is your new repub party folks, the laws only apply to their enemies, not to them…and the country starts to crumble….geez…

The blackout breaks…

Well….it has been two months since I stopped reading or listening to the news but the boredom got to me today and I re activated my Twitter account….not to really read anything but to just look at the headlines…I do need to ease back into it…it would be way too much to go back to the old normal right away…but, there is one bit of news that I wanted to relay…that Clinton had over a million more votes than the idiot but the voter suppression that the repubs use to cheat worked….keep that in mind if the idiot ever mentions “mandate”

These are the bastards YOU elected…

Well…I slipped today and read a headline to an article that read: Tea Party giddy to repeal the ACA….

The first thing that came to mind is that these are the bastards that YOU people elected…anyone that can be giddy to take health insurance away from 30 million people who could never afford it before can only be described as bastards…and that these same bastards are now going to condemn millions of people to never getting health insurance again due to pre-existing conditions…and are going to condemn millions more to bankruptcy under crushing medical bills….but, these are the bastards YOU elected….enjoy going broke, idiots….

Toxic propaganda…

Well….have been trying to not think about politics for the past few weeks and with some success…but, this morning, a thought came into my head that I wanted to write about so here we go…..after the advent of modern mass media, there have been quite a few instances where the media has been used to spread lies to control the populations of many nations….I’m only going to talk about three today to try to make my point….during WWII, the entire media of Japan was used to make the allies into monsters….monsters that would murder all Japanese and eat their babies….and to such good effect that, while the war was winding down and we were invading Okinawa, tens of thousands of men, women, and children committed suicide rather than let themselves be captured by the “monsters”. In the Soviet Union from the 40′s to the 90′s, the propaganda machine there kept the people in a constant state of fear of the US invading…allowing the government of dictators to keep the people poor while spending most of their GDP on themselves and the military. And now, here in the US, the Fox news propaganda machine again has tricked people into voting against their own self interest….they elected Trump but never once reported on what the repubs were going to do to the old, white people who voted for them….SS and Medicare will be gone in the next few years and all of these people who depend on it…and who overwhelmingly voted for the repubs will be screwed..but the propaganda was so effective they just don’t care….and half of the 30 million people who will lose their healthcare gained under the ACA who voted for the repubs just didn’t care either….or didn’t believe what the repubs are going to do since they have been brainwashed by Fox to only believe Fox…just like in Japan and Russia….and are now going over the cliff….geez…

I still have opinions…

Well…it has been a week of staying away from the news but the little tidbits that I have seen by accident are exactly as I predicted…the 30 million people that got health insurance under Obamacare are shit out of luck…this is the first thing that Ryan has on his agenda for the end of January is to repeal it and let insurance companies do what they want….see, I still have opinions…but I need a couple of weeks to recover from the idiocy of the American people….okay, that’s enough of that stuff for now….I did break the handle on the glove box on the Miata today….damn…but I got a new latch assembly brand new from Moss Miata for only $12.90 so that was cool….I’ll have to find a video out on youtube to see how my lock tumbler goes in but it doesn’t look like too big of a job…I can still get it open with the broken latch so I can get to the fasteners that hold it in…it’s always something with a 22 year old car….

The election….

Well…just got back from voting and it feels good to get that done…only took about 5 minutes…no lines or anything….and it looks like Hillary will win given the polls that came out today…I have a feeling that it is going to be a bigger win than we hoped for but I think I’ll keep my fingers crossed the rest of the day…the big thing is going to be control of the senate and that is looking much more uncertain right now and I just can’t figure that one out…I mean Ron Johnson against Russ Feingold….when Johnson is one of the stupidest people to walk the face of the earth? I did go out and get cocktail materials for this night since I am going to need it watching the returns later….do people think they sound smart when they say they are having a hard time choosing between the orange idiot and Hillary? Or saying they will have to hold their noses to vote for either candidate? Folks, the only reason that people have doubts about Hillary is the right wing smear machine that has been relentlessly lying about and attacking the Clintons for 25 years….and that won’t change after the elections since we know that the right has nothing else…no ideas, no nothing….geez…