Tag Archives: Donald Trump

It’s just another grift…

Well….if you look closely at the “voter fraud” bleating of the repubs that are going on since the idiot boy lost the election you can see that even if they won all of the lawsuits and had those ballots thrown out they would still be behind and won’t have won the election. So, what would be the reason they are doing it other than they just hate democracy and are looking for any way to stab at it? You just have to look at the 200 fundraising e-mails that have gone out since this bullshit started…look, idiot boy’s campaign is broke and there is no way they are going to pay the 3 million dollars to get a recount in Wisconsin or any other state….but what they can do is squeeze more cash out of the rubes so trump can leave office with 20 million bucks and then set up rallies to keep the grift going…and that’s what he wants anyway…to still be able to to do the rallies and work up the idiots who follow him but not have to do any real work…it’s not like he does any now but after he is out of office, all he will have to do is show up, rant a little, and cash the checks…which is right up his alley…so it’s all a grift and he is going to use this chaos to make money…after all, he is going to need it with 400 million in personal loans coming due next year….

More pettiness from the idiot boy…

Well…you knew that the idiot trump was not going to go quietly or make the transition to Joe an easy one…and yesterday, his crony that runs the GSA has refused to send the transition letter that allows the winners to access funds necessary for the transition process…and I’m sure trump called her and told her the same bullshit he has been peddling in the news…that the election is not over yet and he hasn’t lost and will “probably” win after more votes are counted so she shouldn’t send the letter. Now, we’ve seen this asshole shred the norms of our society on a daily basis, but this bit of pettiness could only come from trump…in every other transition in every other presidential election, the letter was sent the day after the election was called or even the day it was called…but we all knew trump wouldn’t do it…and with the virus raging across the country, this bit of bullshit is going to delay Biden’s virus committee from getting a flying start and could cost another 100K American lives…but, idiot boy doesn’t care about any of that…he only wants his revenge on everyone who didn’t kiss his ass enough…just as firing the Def Sec this morning was…just pure revenge for Esper bucking him and not putting troops in the street to attack Americans. god, I can’t wait for that asshole to be gone….

Trump is going to try to declare victory…

Well…this gets more laughable as time goes on…the repubs are filing suits against state voting laws and continue to keep getting slapped down even by trump appointed judges…I think they are looking back to 2000 when Florida ignored their laws and counted a bunch of mail in ballots that were postmarked after the deadline and gave the election to bush after the SC stepped in and stopped the ballot counting. I think that is what they are shooting for here again…to try to find a judge somewhere who will rule for them so they can eventually get it to the SC where their illegitimate justices will give them what they want…and to help with that gaslighting, trump is going to go on the tv tonight and declare himself the winner no matter what the count says…and the television media is going to go along and carry it live…and this after trump telegraphed that he was going to do it and many outlets carried that story yesterday. Yeah, not gonna work…there are too many people involved in counting the ballots who have integrity and are going to report accurate counts and no amount of bleating by the loser in chief is going to change that…it may take until later in the week and we have better lawyers than they do so I say bring it on, loser…wreck what’s left of the repub party so we’ll grind that into dust in the next election….geez…

“we’re not going to control the virus”

Well…hey, undecided voters…and even you trump supporters…this is what the idiot boy’s chief of staff said on one of the news shows this morning…that they have just given up doing anything about the virus that is killing more than 1,000 Americans a day and infecting over 80,000 a day…they are just going to wait and do nothing until there is a vaccine or other treatments…but until then? Not a damn thing…everyone is on their own and it’s perfectly acceptable to them that there will be another 150,000 dead before a vaccine is ready…how is this not manslaughter? Or reckless endangerment? How the hell can anyone be undecided when this news comes out every damn day…do you really think that trump is a better president than Joe Biden will be? I just saw a cartoon that puts the undecided voters in perspective…it has a child in a cage being asked by a woman with a cup of coffee in her hand…”who do you think I should vote for?” If you are still undecided you are one ignorant son of a bitch if you haven’t seen how atrocious idiot boy is….and if you can consider voting for trump after he has killed over 225,000 Americans by his inaction, you are dumber than a box of rocks and probably shouldn’t vote anyway…geez…

trump really is a baby…

Well…not sure if this topic is going to be enough for a whole post but I am going to give it a try and see where it goes…if you haven’t heard yet, the baby in chief walked out of an interview with Leslie Stahl for 60 Minutes the other day because she was being mean to him and asking him questions like a real journalist is supposed to….and then the petulant little child went to his safety blanket of twitter to attack her and try to shift the blame to her and justify his being a baby…I’m just shaking my head at this one…not because it is surprising behavior for idiot boy…but as the idiot tries to shore up his support with seniors who are abandoning him in droves, he attacks a show whose viewers skew to the over 60 crowd and they are still going to show the interview that will lay bare that trump is not fit for any office….and I think will collapse the support that he still has among this demographic because they still remember how a president is supposed to act and trump just can’t do it. So, I really hope trump’s handlers keep putting him in situations where he can’t cope…and the debate tomorrow night is another one of them….keep it up morons…

Hold them all accountable…

Well….with the bad, bad decision of Obama and his administration to “move forward” and not prosecute the torturers and bribers and liars of the Bush administration, we find this country in exactly the same place right now and we cannot let that happen again since the Obama decision led us to the lawlessness that the idiot trump fosters every damn day. We need to hold them all accountable for every damn crime from every damn one of them…and the only way to do that is to empanel a commission whose sole job will be to start with the crimes in plain sight that idiot boy has committed but it can’t stop there…every damn instance of corruption, every violation of the Hatch act, everything…every damn thing and no slaps on the hand but prosecution to the fullest extent of the law…and that includes all of the self dealing and other bullshit…and then we need to get rid of the stupid memo that says that presidents can’t be indicted for crimes committed at any time while they hold the office. Good citizens follow the law because it is necessary for a functioning society but the rich and powerful think the law doesn’t apply to them…that needs to end now…no one is above the law….

trump…stay the hell out of our state…

Well…if you are a Michigander, you should be as pissed as I am to have the asshole trump coming into our state and inciting violence against our governor…at another one of his fascist rallies here, he went into his schtick about how bad she is and led the crowd of deplorables in the tired old “lock her up” chant with no recognition that this bullshit inspired an actual kidnapping and murder plot against her…and you know he just doesn’t care at all…just as long as he gets his jollies from his crowd and works them into a frenzy as he manipulates them in the last bastion of support he has…nothing else matters to him. All I have to say to this asshole is stay the hell out of our state…you’ve done nothing for us in the past 4 years and you are responsible for thousands of deaths here that could have been prevented if you weren’t the incompetent moron that you are…just keep your promise and don’t ever come back…

Short takes….

Well….haven’t really seen anything in the news today that I want to do a long one on so I think I’ll just do some short takes and see where that goes…in an interview the other day, former COS John Kelley said that trump was “the worst person he ever met”, and that leads me to a question…”how the hell did he work for him at all, then?” everyone and their brother knew who trump was and yet all of these supposed serious people ruined their reputations to work for this “worst person”…how good is their judgement if they willingly signed on to him? That just made me remember a funnily ironic article that I read the other day about people who work or worked for idiot boy getting concerned if the “trump stink” on their resumes is going to prevent them from ever working in DC again….and one hiring exec made the point that is is not just working for trump but what they did while working for him…like helping with the policies that ended up putting children in cages that reveal who that person really is…that he won’t hire anyone who showed they have no shred of decency….oh, this one just cracked me up…just today at another trump fascist rally in Florida, idiot boy pointed to the stupid governor, Ron DeSantis, and said that if he didn’t deliver Florida to him he was going to “fire” him….and followed that up with “I’ll find a way to fire him”…now, with it being quite certain that trump is going to lose, why is everyone still afraid of him? I never understood that…I mean, who the hell is afraid of getting a mean tweet from the idiot? I guess all of the repubs have become spineless jellyfish in the face of the stupidest person in the country…they do deserve each other…more later…and I mean that…

What a spiteful little prick…

Well…hey, I made a good decision a few minutes ago..decided to not go for a ride and it just started raining like crazy and I would of gotten soaked…so, yay me! But, that’s not what this is about…I’m sure you’ve seen the California has had the worst wildfire season in the history of the state with hundreds of thousands of acres burned and whole towns wiped off the face of the Earth…in a normal federal administration, the federal government would be on the scene with multiple agencies doing what they could to help the people recover and start to put their lives back together. That would normally start with a disaster declaration that would qualify those who have lost everything for low cost loans and additional federal grants and other funding to help them start to rebuild…but, not in the idiot trump’s administration…this spiteful little prick has refused to declare a disaster for California which leaves the state and it’s people on their own and guarantees that the recovery will be more painful and slower than it should be…and it’s all because California is a “blue” state that will never vote for trump and he just doesn’t giver a damn about anyone but those who vote for him. Just like the covid pandemic where he didn’t do a damn thing early because he thought the virus was only going to hit “blue” states, the wildfires don’t mean anything to him since they are in California…and this is the first time in history that a major disaster has not gotten any response from the federal government…and it all because trump runs the government. This should be a focus of the Biden campaign, to point out, as he has been doing, that he will be president for all of the country…even states that didn’t vote for him and will make sure that all of the people will get the help they need when they need it…and there will be no spiteful bullshit that trump pushes every day….after all, our government was founded on the proposition that it’s purpose is “to promote the general welfare” of the country…and that is right there in the constitution…a document the trump has never read and doesn’t care what is in it…vote this spiteful little prick out…