Category Archives: Politics

Questions for the repub debate….

Well…with fox news running the debate for the repubs tomorrow night and 3 of their biggest toadies there being the moderators, I want to speculate a little about some of the questions that will be asked….let’s take them numerically…

1. Is Obama one of the worst presidents in US history or is he the worst?

2. Did Hillary order the attack on Benghazi or did she just cover up that the CIA did it?

3. Will Obamacare kill your grandmothers this year or will they wait until next year?

4. The liberals want to tax the rich to pay for infrastructure repairs….why shouldn’t we give them more tax cuts instead?

5. Some women in the country have the expectation that they should control their own bodies….tell us why they are too stupid to do that.

You get my drift…I am going to watch just for grins but I’ll bet there are at least one of the questions above that are really asked in some form….geez…

What to say about Lindsey Graham?

Well…as we all know, repubs lie and lie and lie all the time since they know there is never any consequences to their lies…and the same is going on with ole Lindsey…he has been touting his 33 years of military service on his website along with his training of other lawyers in the JAG office…only one tiny little problem there, when contacted, the JAG office could find no record that he ever showed up…not once in the 33 years he has been sucking up his pay as a Lt. Colonel and Colonel has he done anything to earn his pay…over the 33 years the only records of anything he did was 108 hours of training…in 33 years of taking the money…108 hours. Let me put that in perspective for you…my younger sister, in her 20 years in the Army reserve did two weeks every summer at camp Grayling here in Michigan…learning the skills she would need if she was ever called up…and that doesn’t include the years she spent touring with the Army Reserve band… in 33 years ole Lindsay did less time than my sister did in two weeks every summer…and yet he just kept on taking the pay and railing against people on welfare getting “free money” from the government…I guess it’s okay if a repub does it…but not a poor person that needs it…I just hate these lying asses…there should be some discipline for stealing your pay for 33 years…geez…

Trump slush….

Well….just had to do a short one on ole Donald’s latest comment on Obama and his presidency….the other day, ole Donald said that it will be generations before we elect another black president since he thinks Obama has been a “failure”…..yep, a failure..who helped end the financial crisis, who worked to get millions of more Americans health insurance, and who worked with our allies to negotiate an end to Iran’s nuclear bomb program. I wish more presidents would fail like that. but the funny thing here is, by the Donald’s logic, we won’t elect another white president since the last one was such a failure…do you ever think before you open your mouth, you idiot? Man…have to try to figure out when stupidity became a requirement for the repubs to run for president…geez…

JEB!’s the smart one?

Well…as you all know, the repubs don’t really care about the constitution or the law for that matter unless it can be used to hurt people they don’t like…and, a couple of days ago ole JEB! showed just how much they respect the law when he proposed, if he were elected president, that he would unilaterally cut the pay of members of congress if they didn’t show up to vote on everything that is proposed…now, nevermind that their were over 5400 bills introduced last year and that would make it something like 20 a day they would have to vote on…the big takeaway here is that his little scheme is unconstitutional….the executive branch can’t do anything to the legislative…the founders set it up that way to ensure that power is never concentrated in one branch…and, if ole JEB! could control their pay, you can bet he would use it to punish those who didn’t vote ole JEB!’s way….I am not surprised that this idiot would propose something like this….he was supposed to be the smart one…and I am shuddering to think that ole GW may be the smart one compared to JEB! yow…..

Just waiting…

Well…sitting here waiting for the storms to come and thought I’d try to use my time a little better than just watching tv…the wind has been crazy today and it is getting even worse now…I’m glad I have my grill chained to the porch or it would be gone…but, that’s not really what I wanted to talk about…I am not sure if I’m going to watch the repub debate this thurs night…on one hand, it will be just the same old crap talking points from all of them…not sure why they are even having a debate really since they all get their talking points from their billionaires every day and there is little difference between any of them…tax cuts for the rich and the hell with anyone else seems to be what we’ll hear a lot of….and that women can’t control their own bodies since the repubs know better than a woman and her doctor….but, I may watch some of it just to see ole Trump go off on the rest of them and to see just how they are going to out crazy each other….but, then I’d need some brain bleach and I am fresh out of it..I do have one to do about Trump tomorrow…but there are so many things to write about I think it will take some time to narrow it down…or, there may be  tornado tonight that I have to comment on….

Mike Huckabee is still an idiot…

Well…I am just amazed at the crap that comes out of this guy’s mouth…if he is not comparing the “oppression” of Christians in the US to the Holocaust, he is going off about what he will do if he is elected president…and that includes ramming his religion down everyone’s throat. The latest this frickin idiot spewed is that, when president, he will use the army and the FBI to go after and lock up anyone who performs abortions in the US…nevermind that using the army on US soil is illegal and that abortion is still legal…he thinks that any president can pick and choose what supreme court rulings he has to follow….I wonder if he understands the oath of office that includes “to protect the constitution”? Nope…but the good thing is, he will NEVER be president…what an ass…geez…

Jeb! is done…

Well…given all the stupidity that is coming out of the repubs these days, I was just flabbergasted when I read of this little nugget from ole Jeb! that he said at a town hall meeting the other day…you know the schtick…and the lies that Medicare is an “entitlement” that needs to be “reformed”…and by reformed the repubs mean eliminated unless their billionaires can make profit from it….well…and here’s the stupid part…he’s talking to retirees and people that are near to retiring…and telling them that one of the most popular and efficient programs that the government does is going to be eliminated and the retirees will be thrown back into the private insurance market. One of the people that was there just blew when he used “entitlement” as the slur that the repubs think it is…the woman retorted “Medicare is not an entitlement…I paid for it and earned it…”  So, I think you can say that ole Jeb! is done…this one is going to be looped throughout the general election campaign if he is the nominee…and I don’t think that is going to happen…good riddance…geez…

Short thoughts on the repubs…

Well….have had a bunch of stuff swirling around in my head about the repub candidates and how stupid they appear when they are on tv with seemingly no ability to do any response or think anything but the talking points they have been handed by their billionaires the day before. Starting with ole Scott Walker…his latest jaw dropper happened a couple of days ago where he said he would be ready to attack Iran on his inauguration day…that right there is enough to disqualify that idiot as is his assertion that he is not sure if gays are born gay…even though all of the studies have shown they are…that kind of ignorance is strike two…okay, let’s do strike three on this idiot…that his favorite foreign policy decision was ole Ronnie firing the air traffic controllers…what the hell that has to do with foreign policy, I don’t know….I think I’ll turn this into a series and take them one by one…JEB! is next tomorrow….

JEB! is an idiot….

Well…with the tsunami of stupidity that is coming out of the right these days…the candidates over there are doing their best to out stupid each other…not sure if it’s on purpose or not but this week ole JEB! even managed to mangle the days talking points and it is hilarious. At a speech the other day, JEB! was going on about the proposed new overtime rules that would prevent companies from classifying regular workers as management to avoid having to pay them overtime…and JEB! said that it would be bad for workers since employers would just cut their hours and then they would make less money…hmmm…cut hours that they are not getting paid for? Sounds like a good thing for workers to me since they are not getting paid for them anyway….but not to JEB! he still thinks that employers should be allowed to bully workers and steal from them…that’s the way of American business…at least the way the repubs see business being done…don’t pay your workers what they have worked for…poor business owners…I’m crying crocodile tears for them…geez….

One of the funny things I saw when reading of this was the pundits saying that he must really be trying to appear this stupid…I don’t think he’s trying at all…I think it comes naturally to him…


Constitutional Scholars?

Well…I was going to wait on this one until tomorrow but I sat down here and thought I’d do it now…the latest ‘scandal” that the repubs have decided to manufacture against the president is over his commutation or pardon of 40 some non violent drug offenders over the past week…this set off the house Judiciary committee to the point that they sent the White House a letter saying that they wanted more details on why this was done and they wanted it now! Well…these “constitutional scholars” must have never read the constitution since the presidents power on commutations and pardons is absolute, with only one thing, impeachment, being outside the bounds of this power. And, since this power is spelled out in the constitution, it can’t be questioned and is not subject to the “oversight” that these idiots in the house say it is…again, this is just another incidence where, since the hated black guy does it, it must be wrong…never heard a peep when ole GW pardoned the liar Scooty Libby who kept Karl Rove out of jail by lying his ass off with the quid pro quo that he would only do a little time and then he could go back to his life…I am just so damn tired of these asses…