Tag Archives: Donald Trump

This is on you, Michigan trump voters…

Well…just when you thought that the idiot trump couldn’t get any lower in his behavior towards the people of this country, he goes even lower than the basement that he dwells in. Just today, our governor here in Michigan made a startling revelation that the vendors she has contracted with to get the PPE necessary to keep our doctors and nurses from dying have been told by trump and his cronies not to send anything to Michigan since Whitmer hasn’t been kissing trump’s ass and has been criticizing his handling of the pandemic. This comes straight from the vendors themselves and they are complying because they have been threatened with never getting any more business if they send anything here…so, trump voters, how does it feel that you voted for someone who is trying to kill your friends and neighbors who are busting their asses trying to save your lives? There is no other word for this but criminal and I put the blame for it on every damn repub in this country…especially you repub senators who had the chance to remove this murderer in December and you put your own personal power above the lives of Americans who it is your job to protect….there are buckets of blood to go around for every damn repub in this country….I hope you’re happy when it’s one of your family or friends who die….

All of this is trump’s fault…

Well…here we go….the economy is in freefall with the reporting earlier today of 3.5 million people applying for unemployment and at least a million more gig workers or self employed  people unemployed who can’t apply for benefits….to put this in perspective, at the worst of the 2008 crash, the highest monthly unemployment application count was 675,000…and economists are predicting that there could be 40 million out of work by the end of this mess…and guess what? It’s all frickin trump’s fault…every damn bit of this could have been avoided if the asshole in chief had not listened to fox news, limbaugh, and the rest of the right who pushed the lie that this virus was a hoax just meant to hurt the idiot in chief…and if he had the capacity to take anything seriously…which he does only when it has something to do with him and his inflated ego….and today, we have his toadies out in the news saying that he doesn’t have to do his job or care about NY because someone there called him a racist and doesn’t kiss his ass….and have been criticizing him for his inept, incompetent response to the pandemic. Hey Dinesh, you felon…take you addled brain back to when Obama was elected and your god trump started right off with the whole fake birth certificate bullshit and the entire repub party made it their mission to belittle him and one of your asshole congressmen even yelled “you lie” at Obama at SOTU…what did Obama do? got to work trying to save this country from the melt down and never once asked his aides what governor of what state said bad things about him so he could ignore them and let people die….all of this is trump’s fault…with the assist going to the rest of the repub party who had the chance to remove this criminal in December but all of them voted to let this incompetent, stupid, asshole stay in office…and now a million or more Americans are going to die because of it….and many more are going to be ruined financially because the bumbler in chief is so damn dumb and self centered….you own this, repubs….

The real “death panels”

Well….I wonder if everyone has as short a memory as the repubs think we do…I sure remember the lies when the ACA was being worked on with the repubs shouting every damn day that there were things called “death panels” that would condemn the old folks in this country to death after they reached a certain age or started to need more care…all of it a blatant lie to scare people into hating the bill…but that didn’t happen and the ACA is more popular than ever, especially in these pandemic days. But just yesterday, and I think I mentioned this a little, the new repub trial balloon that is being floated is that we are going to have to sacrifice older people to the virus to get the economy going again by removing the measures that are in place across the country to keep people isolated and prevent the virus spread…the idiot  trump started it the other day when he said that he will “open” the economy in 15 days if the damage that closures are doing too much for the economy…and one of trump’s parrots, Lt gov Dan Patrick of Texas (of course) said that killing hundreds of thousands of seniors could be “worth it” if it got the economy going again…asking what kind of country would be left for his grandkids if we wait until the virus is controlled…yep, the “pro-life” party is just perfectly fine killing lots of seniors if his rich buddies need to steal even more money from the rest of us and they can’t do it when the economy is shut down. We know one of the reasons the idiot boy trump wants the economy going again no matter the cost is that it is costing him money with his hotels shut down….and nothing else matters except him and the world’s effect on him….the one thing that idiot boy doesn’t understand that he didn’t do anything to “close down” the states that are trying to stop the spread of the virus by isolation so there isn’t a damn thing he can do to “open” them…do you think Cuomo or Whitmer are going to listen to anything that the big orange moron says? They are going to do what the science says, what the experts say to protect the people and not corporations….so bloviate as much as you want moron, we in Michigan are going to do what’s right for us and you can just go right to hell….

Not sure about politics today…

Well…not sure if I’m going to talk about politics or not today…haven’t found anything yet that I want to comment on..oh, yeah, there is one thing…have you seen the trial balloons being floated by the idiot trump and his minions that they are about done with doing anything about the virus since it is harming the economy too much to protect people? Yep, they and their propaganda arm, fox news, have started to say that protecting people from the virus can’t be done cheaply so they are going to give up in a week or so and just let everybody get the virus with the prospect that millions will die just to get his precious frickin stock market to go up again and protect his re-election campaign. I think there is more to it than that, though and it has to do with trump’s mental illness and the fact that he just doesn’t have the capacity to focus for the months necessary to manage this crisis…and he is getting bored with the whole thing so he is just going to declare victory and let people die as he reopens factories, restaurants, and bars…letting the chips fall where they may…and they will fall with millions dead just so he can go golfing again. These millions of dead could have been avoided if the repub party hadn’t turned into a cult and had removed the criminal trump from office in December…but they couldn’t be bothered with doing their jobs or thinking ahead….the blood is on your hands, repubs….

They just don’t know how…

Well…I’ve come to a realization after watching the idiot trump and the entire federal government fail at the response to the deadly virus that is going to kill many, many Americans….they just don’t know how to respond…this is what you get when you purge the entire government of expertise and replace it with political appointees that have no experience or desire to do their jobs…none of them, starting with idiot boy, even care that they are in way over their heads…they just go out and lie to make the moron in chief feel better…as the head of FEMA did today when asked why they haven’t invoked the Defense Production Act to commandeer factories to make medical supplies that are necessary…and his answer was that they didn’t need to since companies were phoning him to volunteer to do stuff…what stuff he wouldn’t say…and then went on to say that it would be worse to have leftover supplies in warehouses than people dying from not having protective equipment….so things that should have been done months ago like asking doctors and hospitals what they need and getting every damn factory started on making respirators, masks, shields and the rest of the PPE’s needed just wasn’t done because the entire repub party believed that the virus was a hoax…or because trump believed it was and not one of these assholes had the guts to tell the moron that he was wrong and was going to get people killed. Now, it’s left up to governors to try to save their states since idiot boy just stated “we’ll step in when you fail” to the governors who are asking for something that the federal government has always done….and I’m sure the problem is that the states that are asking are blue states as I’ve said before…watch for the response when it’s Florida or Mississippi asking…you can bet the incompetent in chief will fall all over himself to help them since their governors will kiss his ass and tell him he’s doing just the bestest job…we’re all gonna die….

We’re not a shipping clerk?

Well…now I know we’re all doomed when the person supposedly in charge of making sure that the country has enough medical supplies to fight the virus flippantly dismisses the state’s requests to do something to help by saying “we’re not a shipping clerk” and pushing it back to the governors to do it…if this is what the asshole trump thinks is not his job then what the hell is? The federal government has always stepped in when an emergency happens and the states either don’t have the resources or the ability to deal with the emergency themselves…and I’m sure part of it is that the states that need the most help right now are blue states that didn’t vote for idiot boy and he doesn’t think anyone is worth anything unless they voted for him…and he always makes everything about him…how he’s doing, what the effect of any action is on him….okay, repubs..by voting to acquit this moron you have blood on your hands…the blood of thousands of Americans that are going to die because you put politics and personal gain ahead of your duty to protect all Americans….I wonder if we can survive until we throw moron boy out in the next election?

They knew weeks ago…

Well…the latest story that has just come out on the news wires is that a repub senator knew how bad the coronavirus was going to be and he warned a group of his donors about it over three weeks ago…so, the repubs knew that this outbreak was going to be bad long ago but didn’t do a damn thing about it…no testing, no ramping up of protective gear for doctors and nurses, and no crash “all hands on deck” moment…just lies and preening by trump and his cronies to try to make it all about him…and the “wonderful” job he is doing. So they deliberately didn’t do one damn thing that could have saved lives….while the idiot trump waited for the moron Jared to get a “plan” together to fight this virus…what the hell does jared know about it anyway? Not much since he has been googling what other countries are doing and talking to his family about what to do….geez I can’t wait for these entitled assholes to be gone…and Sen Richard Burr, who was the repub senator who told his donors about how bad this is going to be, should resign today since he did nothing, no call to the WH to get their asses moving, no press…no nothing…just let people die while he scoops up cash…just like the rest of the repubs. They all need to be gone in November…and we can make that happen…vote!

Dire predictions….

Well…as more and more assessments of the dire state of the country and the future depression come in, it is clear that the two months that the idiot trump and his cronies downplayed the effects of the virus to both individuals and the economy and diddled around because they don’t know anything is going to have worse effects than even the worst case scenarios. This incompetence and willful dereliction of duty are going to cost the lives of upwards to a million Americans and is going to put over 20% of workers out of work…and do permanent damage to the economy that will not be repaired in my lifetime….these assessments are calling 2020 a “lost year” where all we are going to be able to do is survive…and supply chains of food and other necessary supplies are going to crash unless the government gets involved and right the frick now…so everyone is going to be affected and it is not going to be pretty…and I am so damn mad that the repubs are still playing like it business as usual…with Rand Paul blocking the start of the recovery legislation because he want to know how were going to “pay” for it…we’re going to pay for his obstruction by putting hundreds of thousands more out of work and killing thousands more Americans…the time to act is yesterday..the depression is here and we have morons in charge…not sure if we’ll survive this….

A badge of honor…

Well…our governor Whitmer must be doing something right because she sure had gotten under the idiot in chief’s skin…after her appearance on MSNBC where she told the truth that the federal government…run by idiot boy…”didn’t take the threat of this virus seriously” and now the governors are having to step in and clean up the mess, trump blew up on twitter with his normal insults saying that he stands with the people of Michigan…yeah, no you don’t you moron…weeks and weeks ago you could have done anything to get more testing to determine the scope of the problem but you belittled the scientists and said your “gut feeling” was that there would only be a few cases and your response to the crisis was “perfect”…only in your diseased mind is anything you have ever done “perfect”…you have bungled every damn thing you have touched your entire life…and let’s talk about low the bar is to measure your performance….a bar that is so low they had to dig a six foot deep hole to find it…with the media heaping praise on you for not being the worst asshole in the world for 5 whole minutes yesterday…and the stories that you had changed were all over the media…and it’s the same old bullshit that we see when you manage to not drool all over yourself…he’s changed…but that’s just frickin not true….cripes, I’ll bet everyone would love to be judged at work with that same bar…if you show up and don’t crap on your desk you get a promotion! Let’s be blunt…Governor Whitmer, it is a badge of honor to be attacked by the dotard in chief…it means you are smart, decisive, and successful and he just can’t stand when his failings are pointed out to him…keep it up and keep protecting us here in Michigan.

Yow! Dow down 3,000 points today…

Well…with the incompetent “stable genius” in the WH and his flailing on every damn thing, financial traders and investors have voted their vote of no confidence in the idiot trump and his minions by a bloodbath in the stock market today…never seen in history, the Dow lost 3,000 points today…a 13% drop in just one day…to put this in perspective, I’ll use the example I’ve used before…if you had 100K in your 401K this morning, you now only have 87 thousand…and since Feb 12 if you started with that same 100K, you have about 65 thousand of it left and tomorrow could be even worse…how do you feel now, trump voters? What the hell could make you not support this country destroying murderer? Losing everything? Oh, I get it…it’s Obama’s fault for letting the stock market get so high on his watch and tricking you into thinking you were doing well…and this was a long term plan, just like his fake birth certificate….who would ever think that electing a stupid game show host would cause any problems? As with what he said about the coronavirus just today to the governors of this country..”you are on your own”… he takes no responsibility for anything and never has in his entire life….so I guess we ARE on our own…hey idiot boy, why not make it official and just resign already…every damn time you open your mouth you do more and more damage….and you’ve only got 8 months left anyway…