Well…and I don’t mean “The Wall” by Pink Floyd…but the idiotic, 30 billion dollar wall that the moron trump wants to build along the border with Mexico. This question popped into my head this morning when I read something about it in my Twitter feed….exactly where is the wall going to go? Is it going to go on our side of the Rio Grande or Mexico’s side? I’m pretty sure that Mexico isn’t going to allow us to take their land and annex it to the US, so that leaves the other option….our side of the river. But. since the border runs down the middle of the river, that would mean that we would be ceding our rights to the land to the south of the wall to the middle of the river and, along with it, our rights to the river. This is something that was set by treaty and can’t be undone by just one of the parties so the idiot can’t just use an executive order….just another in the long line of ignorant, half baked ideas that the moron in chief has spouted…..try again, idiot. Impeach…
Tag Archives: impeachment
Devin Nunes has got to go…
Well…with all of the erratic behavior that this idiot has shown over the past week, with secret meetings with white house staff and running to trump to give him information that the committee had gathered,the head of the house intelligence committee topped that this morning with cancelling all of the meetings the committee had scheduled for the week. Now a cynical person would see this as Nunes trying to do everything he can to protect trump from impeachment…and that cynical person would be right, that is exactly what Nunes is doing and in such a ham handed manner that it would be laughable if it wasn’t so serious a breach of his sworn duty to protect the country and constitution….but, as we see every day, the repubs only care about protecting their party and the criminals that run it….Nunes has to go…and now…impeach…
The latest excuse….
Well…feeling pretty crappy right now but something I just read made me want to comment….the right and trump supporters are already floating a new excuse to use when trump goes down in flames…it’s all Obama’s fault! Yep…what’s old is new again…and it goes something like this: trump will only fail because Obama screwed the country up so badly that even the magnificent donald couldn’t fix it…yeah…that sounds pretty ridiculous but these delusional idiots will believe anything they’re told….man, I’m sure shaking my head that the supposed party of responsibility never takes responsibility for their failures….and they foisted the biggest, the huuugest failure of all on us….impeach…
The first domino falls….
Well….reading some news reports this afternoon and it appears that the first domino on the way to trump has fallen….Michael Flynn is reported to have a deal with the FBI and is singing away to try to save his sorry ass….this is always how these criminal enterprises unravel….they catch one guy breaking the law and cut him a deal to get a lower sentence if he reveals the rest of the criminality of the mob…and trump’s mob is full of criminality all the way up to treason…and the deal for the next singer is not going to be as good so I think there will be many more in the near future. I laughed the other day when I read one of Keith’s tweets that basically said to trump…”flee” but now I see that may have been pretty good advice and he should take it….this isn’t going to end well for trump, pence, bannon, or any of the other people who conspired with Russia to steal the election….I still want to see trump walked out of the WH in a perp walk…impeach….
A little hope…
Well…I didn’t watch the repubs huge crash and burn on healthcare “reform” with too much glee…I guess I’m numb from the nastiness of these assholes trying to take health insurance away from 20 million people and give even more of the country to the rich who already don’t pay their share….the grinding threat of these idiots making life worse for most of us that aren’t in the 1% has been taking the life out of me but last night, there was a little bit of hope that came from me watching Rachael Maddow’s show and her methodical reporting on just where the investigations into trump’s criminality stand. Yow…after just 60 days, basically everyone in the trump administration is under investigation by multiple entities from the FBI to the justice department, to international banking organizations looking at money laundering. And one revelation, that Michael Flynn discussed kidnapping a Turkish national who resides here in the US while he was working on the trump campaign….and while he was a paid lobbyist for Turkey is just another in a landslide of bombshells that are to come as more information comes out. I really hope that this will spell the end for the ignorant racist in the WH and take all of his cronies with him….can you say perp walk? Impeach….
Obama was never caught on wiretaps talking to criminals..
Well…as I talked about briefly in the last post, it appears that trump has been caught talking to criminals or foreign agents under FISA investigation that is not part of the trump/Russia investigation. Now, let that sink in for a minute..either before, during, or after the election, trump is on tape talking to criminals or foreign agents…how many times was Obama caught doing that? Or how many times was Hillary caught doing that? You know the answer is zero. How long is it going to take for the House to start impeachment proceedings against trump? What he has admitted to doing, and what he is under investigation for in his collusion with Russia to steal the election, certainly rate as “high crimes and misdemeanors” that is the bar for impeachment….let’s get the chant started “lock him up!” Impeach…
“Massive” trump rallies…
Well…with the insecure idiot in the white house obsessed with the “crowds” of his supporters that are never there…his minions at the right wing rags felt the need to fluff his ego by organizing “huge” pro-trump rallies across the country to be held today…I sure hope they don’t show the idiot pictures of the “massive” crowds or ole donnie will blow a gasket. In contrast to the millions that showed up across this country and the world to protest cheeto donnie, the largest “massive” rally had less than a hundred people show up and most of them had maybe 15 to 20….huuuuge support, the biggest support ever in the history of the world….I hope the fake president does get a look at the “crowds”….and they show him he is the most hated person in this country…maybe he’ll have a stroke and do us all a favor….impeach…
The media should boycott trump…
Well…after the petulant little boy trump barred some media organizations from the wh the other day, something that has never happened in the history of the country, I think the media needs to boycott the wh completely…take the attention away from the man-baby that he so needs. If you needed any other evidence that this idiot means to destroy our democracy, you haven’t been paying attention and you should be…the path of destruction he has already cut is worse than Nixon or any other “president” in our history…and he needs to go…impeach…
Putin is laughing his ass off…
Well….Putin’s plan to remake the world by electing the idiot trump is working out perfectly for him and he must be laughing his ass off as he watches the ignorant idiot play right into his hands. As trump’s minions were trying to reassure the rest of the world at a security conference in Europe that trump is not the idiot he appears, Putin was making the third of the Ukraine that his army has been fighting to annex a permanent part of Russia…and I hope you remember trump’s pledge that “he’s not in Ukraine” during the campaign which was a lie then and it is still a lie now…and there is no response since Russia’s foreign policy goals are trump’s goals, too. Jason Chaffetz, what does it take to put the US first instead of your own personal power? The investigations need to start…now….
Just what a dictator would do…
Well…if you had any doubt that trump styles himself an anti democracy dictator, just take a look at what his administration did today. News organizations that have been reporting on his treasonous dealings with the Russians during the election that are continuing now, have been excluded from the daily press briefing at the wh….something that stinks of dictatorship…and this after the liar stood up at the conservative jerk off, CPAC, and said that he has respect for the first amendment…but he lies so often no one can know what he thinks…ok, that’s wrong…he doesn’t think…he doesn’t have the capacity to think….now, I call on the rest of the news organizations in this country to boycott these press conferences…spicer just lies in them anyway so they are worse than worthless to any real news media anyway….