Tag Archives: Donald Trump

Trump’s losing fox news…

Well…you know I never, ever like to give fox news credit for anything since they are a cesspool of hate, lies, and trump fluffing…but, something happened the other day that just stunned me and I had to share it. After the past couple of weeks of trump attacking fox news for having dems on sometimes and not kissing trump’s ass enough…Neil Cavuto had had enough and went on the most righteous rant that basically laid bare the fact that trump lies all the time and that trump’s idea of fake news is just facts that he doesn’t like…cripes, this thing could have been written by any one of the anchors on MSNBC and I wonder why now? Has fox finally come to the realization that trump is toast in 2020 and is starting to distance the network from him? Yeah, I know, it’s like Dr. Frankenstein trying to distance himself from the monster he created…I wonder why trump hasn’t responded? Has he finally realized that fox news is all he has left and isn’t going to get fawning from anywhere else? Whatever the reason, I’ll bet the idiot in chief is stewing about Cavuto right now and I can’t wait for the tweetstorm…should be a beaut…

More lawbreaking…

Well…if it wasn’t bad enough that trump is stealing money from military families to build his stupid wall…now, we have reporting that he has told the people building it that they can break any law they want to get it built fast and he will pardon them if they do get arrested…now, over 95% of the wall will have to be built on private land that will have to be stolen to do it…starting with a national park that he is going to split in half  and permanently make the southern half no longer accessible to the US people whose taxes have paid for it…and this includes pristine environmentally sensitive areas that will have to have roads built through them for construction equipment to get to the wall site…I wonder how these private citizens in Texas will feel about their land being taken for a racist vanity project from the most unpopular president in the history of the country The idiot trump has already said he will ignore the courts if he is sued to stop the land stealing so is that a high crime? It is in my book and the repubs have shown they have never been the law and order party if they allow this to happen…

He was even worse in private…

Well…running late again today and just got back here at almost 4 after working on the house for 4 hours and then running around so I can work on the house tomorrow for another 4 hours…but, that’s not what this about…not sure if you saw the idiot in chief’s ending press conference from the G-7 meetings and the totally unhinged behavior that idiot boy showed…turning the presser into a 5 minute long infomercial for one of his golf courses where he wants to hold next years meeting…in his public appearances, trump pouted his way through  doing nothing but trying to bully the real world leaders there into letting Putin come to the next meeting…and that was bad enough, but in private he was even worse…shouting at everyone who dared to tell him that no, Putin was not going to be invited to the meetings ever…as long as he is still in the Crimea and is still trying to destroy the Ukraine by sending in Russian soldiers to attack both the military and civilians….then pouty boy lied his ass off when asked why he blew off the climate meeting, telling everyone he had a private meeting with Modi and Merkel when both of them were at the climate meeting…all of this pouting and lying has done one thing, the entire world is going it’s own way and does not see any need to even talk to trump…doing diplomatic damage that may never be able to be repaired…MAGA my ass….

Hey, let’s go nuke a hurricane…

Well…I know, you probably think this place is like The Onion at times when I talk about the latest bit of idiocy from the idiot in chief…it seems that over the past couple of weeks, trump has asked his aides why they can’t just drop a nuke in the eye of a hurricane to disrupt it and make it go away…I wonder if he has been watching “Sharknado” lately…there was a marathon of all of them on last week and that is what they did to make a sharknado go away…after all, we all know that most of his time is spent watching tv and tweeting so maybe he did run across the marathon and thought it was a documentary or something. I wonder what’s next…build a giant air conditioner to combat global warming? Put up giant lightning rods on everyone’s houses so you won’t have to buy electricity? Geez…that boy is dumber than a box of rocks…but I don’t have to tell you that…the whole world already knows…

The liar lies some more…

Well…”Mr. President, why does the American media hate your country so much? Why are they rooting for it to fail?” Said no world leader to trump ever…but, that didn’t stop the liar in chief from tweeting that “fellow” world leaders asked him that question more than anything else. Yeah…right, idiot boy…not one damn objective world leader would be as delusional as you to believe your bullshit and buy into your lie that the news media, while reporting the truth that the economy is headed toward a recession, is rooting for the country to fail….but in your rotted, Adderall addled brain you invent “world leaders” that don’t see through your bullshit and lies…as all the real ones do. Look, the rest of the world leaders have dismissed you as the lightest of light weights and don’t ask you a damn thing because you don’t know anything and will just lie to them anyway…so, any of them asking you anything other than “do you want cake?”  is just another lie to add to the 12,000 you’ve told so far…just go back to your hotel and snort some more Adderall and watch fox news…that’s all you’re good for…geez…

Damn, I did it again…

Well…as you can see, I completely forgot to do a second one today and I am going to blame being busy as heck for the first time in years…but, I just had to talk a little about the idiot trump’s latest meltdown and I’m still laughing about it…or I would be if it wasn’t so completely unhinged…after idiot boy went off on the head of the fed for not lowering interest rates, calling him a bigger enemy than China…a guy that trump appointed by the way…China announced that it was increasing tariffs on lots of American products including a 25% one on cars and trumpy boy just lost it…going on twitter to say “Our great American companies are hereby ordered to start looking for an alternative to China including bringing your companies home and making your products in the US…” Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the repub party the one that keeps shouting socialism every time that anyone proposes a little regulation for the unfettered power of business? But now, all of them are silent when the leader of their party “orders” all businesses to do the governments bidding and help him attack China…sounds like central planning to me, a hallmark of communism where the government told everyone what to do and how to do it…hey, repubs…how’s this crazy ass that you continue to support working out for you? Unless you do something about the demented idiot you put in the WH, it’s going to be a bloodbath for you in 2020…oh, and by the way, after trump started attacking the fed and China today, the stock market crashed another 600+ points, wiping out hundreds of billions of dollars in retirement savings for anyone who is lucky enough to have a 401k…oh, and one last piece of derangement that you should know about today…idiot boy has threatened to burn down everyone’s 401k’s if you don’t vote for him….okay, it’s 25th amendment time, folks….Pence, are you listening? geez….

Now we know…

Well…it’s been a damn busy day with doing 36 miles on the bike, running errands, and working on the parking brake on the car today, so I’m a little late coming here for this one…with the majestic stupidity of the idiot trump’s attempt to buy Greenland from Denmark, and his temper tantrum when Denmark said “are you nuts?”, there has been a lot of speculation on where idiot boy got the idea…and now we know it came from someone that rivals trump in stupidity, Tom Cotton.  Who knew that Greenland was “essential” to our national security? I wonder how we have survived for so many years without it? That is the reason that Cotton gave for whispering in trump’s ear to get him to propose it to the Danish PM when he was supposed to meet with her in September…and when she just laughed at the idea, trump pulled his normal bullshit move whenever a strong woman puts him in his place and called her “nasty” and that she couldn’t talk to him that way. How much longer do we have to endure the first admistration in this country’s history that is run entirely on stupidity? According to Rachel Bitecofer, the pollster who predicted the great blue wave of  2018, only until November of next year at the latest…trump’s paths to reelection are getting narrower every day and the spectre of trump being perp walked is growing larger every day…yay…

Toddler diplomacy…

Well…the stupidist person in the world is at it again…and this one is leaving the entire world shaking it’s collective head. If you haven’t heard…the idiot in chief heard somewhere (fox news) that it would be a good idea to buy Greenland from Denmark..yep, you heard that right…idiot boy is trying to distract everyone from his racist rantings by trying to buy Greenland from Denmark…never mind that Greenland is an independent, autonomous territory of Denmark with it’s own limited government and parliament, trump thinks that it is just another real estate deal that he can work to make some profit for him in some way….now, the reaction from the Danes is right on point…it’s largest political party called trump a delusional idiot for thinking buying the island would even be possible…and the PM of Denmark added that there won’t be any talks about it at a scheduled meeting that was to take place in September…but, once idiot boy heard that, he started to pout and cancelled the meeting, saying that there was no point in a meeting anymore…throwing his little temper tantrum in a continuation of his toddler diplomacy where he thinks if he stamps his feet and holds his breath…he will get what he wants…but, the world now has his number and is just laughing at his ignorance…I am too…geez…

Hey, let’s have a few more felonies…

Well…running late for this one today…have been busy as heck all day and, with just getting the second ride in, I am just sitting down for the first time today…not sure if you read this or not today but the idiot trump appears to have committed felonies on both side of the Atlantic with his last financial disclosure form here and with his required financial reporting on his golf courses in the UK. You would think that there would be some similarity between the two forms when dealing with the worth of the golf courses…but you would be wrong…there are so many discrepancies of how much the courses made in income and what they are worth, you would never think they were the same properties…and to manipulate the worth for tax purposes is a felony on both sides of the pond and shows that idiot boy has not learned anything about being a crook…I wonder if he knows that the statute of limitations on these felonies won’t be over until after he is out of office and he can be charged both here and in the UK…it probably doesn’t matter…there are enough crimes he will be charged with after he leaves that he won’t ever see the light of day again…and I can’t wait for that day to come…

What a clueless idiot…

Well…I have a question for you…do you feel “loaded up” with money? Yeah, I didn’t think so…but, according to the idiot in chief “our consumers are rich” and “I gave a tremendous tax cut and they’re loaded up with money”…so I guess the 40% of you Americans who can’t even come up with 400 bucks in an emergency must be wrong or you’re lying. This is just how clueless the idiot in chief is…he believes the bullshit from fox news that most of the repub tax cuts went to everyday Americans and not to the rich and corporations when only 20% of Americans polled believe it…call it clueless, call it a lack of empathy, or call it what it is, that trump doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself. When the recession hits, and it will, even the kool aid drinkers on the right are going to turn on trump when they start losing their jobs and everything else because they are not “loaded up” with money and trump and his cronies are don’t have the talent to help soften the blow…even now, trump has already started to blame everyone else but his stupid trade war for the coming recession…and if he truly believes that it is the media who are causing the problems with the economy, he won’t do a damn thing about it but attack them and play the victim while the country burns…