Tag Archives: Donald Trump

Almost didn’t come back…

Well…have been sitting around here today not thinking about much at all but got bored watching the 24 hours so I thought I’d just put a couple of thoughts down to fill the time until I can have a cocktail or two…polls…yep I think we need to talk about them just because the idiot trump is freaked out about the internal polling from his campaign that shows that he would lose to almost anyone who is running against him with Joe Biden up by 12 points here in Michigan and the rest of the field from 4 to 10 points up…and this is similar to all the other states he needs to pull off another electoral college win…I know it’s early but Hillary was never up with that large of a margin at any time in 2016 so maybe trump being the asshole he is all the time is turning off the independents and women who gave him his win? Oh, one other short thing that made me laugh a little…by now, everyone knows that trump never pays his bills and has stiffed everyone he has ever dealt with…and guess what? That continues with his campaign “rallies” and even his inauguration where he owes DC over 7 million dollars for police protection…it appears that damn near every city where he has gone to rile up his troglodyte followers is owed money by the grifter in chief…leaving a trail of hundreds of thousands of dollars in unpaid bills…stiffing the police and fire departments that he professes to “love” even though he has the emotional makeup of a toddler. Okay…that’s enough of this crap for now…I need to use some brain bleach to relax for a nice Saturday night…

Is this enough?

Well….as every damn day goes by, I have to continue to ask that question and I am getting tired of it…yesterday, the idiot boy squatting on his golden throne in the WH told ABC news in an interview that he is just fine with getting foreign help to win an election and wouldn’t call the FBI if any offer of that foreign help was offered to him. Let that sink in for just a minute…the supposed *president of the US just broadcast to all the bad actors out there that he is “open for business” and if they want to help him get re-elected by digging up dirt on his opponents or by using social media to rig the election that’s just peachy with him. When George S. of ABC told trump that Chris Wray, the head of the FBI, said that any contacts of that sort should be reported to the FBI, just like every other damn campaign has done since there has been an FBI, the idiot trump bellowed “he’s wrong” and continued to say that he would use any source or help if it would help him get re-elected…just like he did in the 2016 election. This morning, the criminal in chief tried to justify what he said by saying that he meets with other countries all the time and they talk about everything so it’s just fine if one of them offers to interfere in our elections by giving him information….okay dems, and specifically Nancy Pelosi, it is damn past time to start impeachment proceedings against this criminal who has just promised to break the law, again, to rig another election…this is just too much…impeach…

Trump just has to go…

Well…I am just pissed off about comments that idiot boy made at a veterans conference on Monday…the 5 deferment, fake bone spur chicken hawk suggested that veterans who return from combat with PTSD are not as “strong” as those who are able to “handle” it…now this is wrong on so many levels coming from a person who is afraid of everything and has been coddled his entire life…a person who would never consider serving in the military since it wouldn’t benefit him personally and even had a clause in his first divorce agreement that would disown his daughter if she ever joined the military. How can the repubs who supposedly are the strongest supporters of the military (hint: they aren’t) let this kind of disrespect for the service of injured veterans stand? I want the chicken in chief to go to a war zone and have the vehicle he’s riding in blown from under him…or face combat every day for months with no let up….or see his friends or brothers or sisters in arms killed right next to him…it’s a miracle that more of our returning soldiers are not scarred for life and that trump, of all people is calling anyone weak is one of the most sick things I have ever heard. He just has to go…he has shown he has no human feeling for anyone…he can’t console anyone because he doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself and he doesn’t understand sacrifice…and it sure isn’t “weak” to react to the horrors of war….but the draft dodger in chief wouldn’t understand that…impeach…

A bad day for the idiot..

Well…I really think the rest of the world is finally seeing what those of us in the fact-based community saw from the start…that trump truly is an idiot who can’t be trusted to even tell the truth of what day it is…and today was really a bad day for the idiot…first, his lies about the “trade agreement” with Mexico completely fell apart as news organizations reported that everything that Mexico agreed to was already in the works months ago and there was no “signed agreement” that trump shouted about on twitter…and today, the Mexican foreign minister confirmed that reporting and even went farther to say that the “agreement” for Mexico to buy “huge amounts” of farm products that trump lied about is news to him…they never even talked about it during meetings and there is no mechanism for those purchases to happen since there is no extra demand for those products.  The second part of the bad day for idiot boy was that hearings on the Mueller report started today with ex prosecutors and John Dean all saying that trump obstructed justice and would be in handcuffs if he wasn’t president…and trump’s toadies in congress made fools of themselves to the point of laughter as they tried to spew trump’s propaganda and no one was buying it anymore. This was just the start of the hearings, too, so the American people are going to hear about all of the criminality for a couple of months…and after Justin Amash said that after reading the report, he thinks trump should be impeached, the needle has moved to 50% of the people supporting impeachment…up from 40% just a couple of weeks ago. Hey, how about number three? China has been floating trial balloons that they may not even negotiate with trump on trade anymore since you can’t trust a word he says….saying that they may just wait trump out since they don’t think he can be re-elected and they can then deal with a non-delusional administration that is not run by a moron. After that, trump threw a tantrum and said that he would raise the Chinese tariffs if Xi won’t meet with him at the G-20 meetings…cripes, what a baby. There is more and more of this…but, I want to watch the race that was postponed to today…needless to say, it was a bad, bad day for the idiot…and they are just going to get worse…impeach…

The Mexican “deal” is a scam…

Well…it is really funny to see idiot boy trump’s ass beaten on tariffs for Mexico….if you haven’t heard, trump declared victory and rescinded his threats to impose 5% to 25% tariffs, lying his ass off that he got “major” new concessions and signed a trade deal…the only problem is that the “deal” he signed has nothing new in it…the deal is for Mexico to continue doing what they were already doing? Look, we all know that trump folds like paper whenever he is put under pressure and there was a lot of it from everyone on this latest bit of stupidity….and the threats from dem senators that they will take away his power to declare emergencies and to impose any tariffs called the chicken in chiefs bluff….it appears the economy has had enough of this economic policy by tantrum and the layoffs have started in the manufacturing sectors across the country as management has had enough of not being able to plan since trump changes the economic outlook every day by his stupidity and that is introducing too much uncertainty for the economy to bear….so welcome to recession in the next 6 months…nice job trump, given the best economy in years and all you have done is screw it up…impeach…

The economy starts to sag…

Well…gee, who could have ever predicted that putting an ignorant moron in charge of the US economy would cause damage that starts to destroy the great one he was left by Obama? Ominous clouds have started to appear on the horizon with the release of the jobs numbers this morning that showed only 75,000 jobs were created and, with a revision of earlier numbers from this year, the past three months have seen no jobs created at all and in fact, layoffs across the country have started with over a 100,000 jobs lost just in the past month or so. I wonder what that cause would be? Could it be the moronic tariffs that idiot boy has imposed on friends and foes alike? That’s sure what it looks like as the taxes by tariff that have been loaded on the shoulders of the American people take effect and the higher costs cool off demand across the country…and that doesn’t even take into effect the Mexican tariffs that are slated to take effect Monday and that will slam the Michigan economy by instantly raising costs for automakers who get much of their parts from Mexico…auto sales are already slowing ominously and an extra 5% in costs that idiot boy wants to raise to 25% will mean huge layoffs that have already started with the slowing demand. So, I wonder what the idiot in chief is going to run on when the economy goes into a recession by the end of the year? He has nothing else and with being underwater in the midwest states already, a cratering economy is not going to make it better….impeach…

This is pretty funny..

Well…I wonder what it must be like to be as clueless as the idiot trump? During his England visit, hundreds of thousands of Londoners turned out to protest him even being invited for a state visit…and almost two million people signed an online petition for the same reason…and what was his response? He is so delusional he told the press that he loved all of the people that turned out to cheer for him and that the press was reporting that his was the “best” state visit ever….but that one started me laughing out loud when the general consensus in the news coverage is a sigh of relief that trump and his family are gone and “good riddance” was in more than one of them. I wonder if he realizes that meeting the Irish PM in an airport lounge is the way that the entire world see him and the respect that he deserves? This is pretty damn funny that the entire world now has trump’s number and the eye rolling at everything he says is getting so bad I think there may be injuries….just too damn funny…impeach…

Okay Nadler, time for contempt of Congress…

Well…the stonewalling continues with the WH ordering Hope Hicks and others to not comply with lawful subpoenas as the House investigates the clear obstruction of justice done by many in the WH over the past two years. So now Jerry Nadler, what the hell are you going to do about it…this is clearly contempt of congress and this lawlessness has to be stomped on right now as it spreads to trump and his cronies even defying court orders to turn over documents in  the Roger Stone case…something that has never happened in the history of the country. This one act is enough for impeachment to start and the dems need to get to it right frickin now…the future of this country is a stake and it is not the time to think of politics at all…it is time to defend the Constitution with all of the tools available including locking all of the subpoena defiers up until they comply….impeach…

The tantrums start…

Well…the most predictable thing just happened when the idiot baby trump landed in England…with not being able to get fox “news” since they were banned there for many, many scandals and for being a propaganda service for the right wing across the world. So, the baby in chief was forced to watch CNN since he is addicted to the tv…and, of course, he couldn’t handle news that didn’t fawn all over him so what was his response? Pretty damn predictable…he bashed the American company and called for a boycott of it’s parent company, ATT,….this coming from an American *president on foreign soil…something that has never been done before…and that wasn’t the last of it…the first “ugly American” *president then went on to attack the mayor of London since he wasn’t “nice” to trump in an op-ed that he wrote for the Guardian over the weekend and was going to take part in the protests of trump’s visit…oh, and I wonder what religion the mayor is? Could it be Muslim?  Yep….okay repubs…is this enough? Again, nope…and the trashing of the US’s standing in the world continues…impeach….

The clod in chief strikes again…

Well…you know, all of us who know the reality of trump and his continuing press to be know as the worst person in the world know that his trip to England is going to reveal to them that he is the clod in chief….never mind that he has taken his entire family to stay on your and my dime in a whole floor of a luxury hotel that is costing 67,000 dollars a day….that is not the worst of it…his boorish behavior started when he insulted a member of the royal family, tried to tell the Prime Minister that England shouldn’t pay the 50 billion pounds they owe to the EU to pay for Brexit, and meddled in the election for a new Prime Minister by endorsing Boris Johnson…something that has never been done before and is against every protocol of acceptable behavior. This boorishness is being answered by protests in London that are expected to draw over a million people and the flying baby trump balloon…and an op-ed by the mayor of London saying that this shouldn’t be a state visit at all and trump doesn’t deserve to be feted since he is a racist liar who ruins everything he touches. So, later today, reports of his and his entitled asshole children are going to come in and we will all be appalled, again…but no one will do anything about it…impeach…