Well…the stonewalling continues with the WH ordering Hope Hicks and others to not comply with lawful subpoenas as the House investigates the clear obstruction of justice done by many in the WH over the past two years. So now Jerry Nadler, what the hell are you going to do about it…this is clearly contempt of congress and this lawlessness has to be stomped on right now as it spreads to trump and his cronies even defying court orders to turn over documents inĀ the Roger Stone case…something that has never happened in the history of the country. This one act is enough for impeachment to start and the dems need to get to it right frickin now…the future of this country is a stake and it is not the time to think of politics at all…it is time to defend the Constitution with all of the tools available including locking all of the subpoena defiers up until they comply….impeach…