Tag Archives: Donald Trump

Let’s get it to the courts…

Well…you know, I’ve frickin had enough of trump shitting all over the constitution as they did more of today when the WH said that congress has no “standing” to investigate the president and won’t provide them with any information at all…never mind that it is written into the constitution that it is exactly what the legislative branch has as one of it’s primary duties…so, let’s get on with it and stop the asking nicely and just go to the courts to have them force these assholes to provide what every president has…and on a parallel track, let’s start impeachment proceedings that the supreme court will have to rule that any information request “shall” be complied with…given the 8-0 precedent in the Nixon tapes decision and every other decision since the country was formed. No more damn delays, no more negotiation, just haul their asses into congress and lock them up if they don’t comply…geez….

Could be today…

Well…sitting here waiting for the chicken to cook for lunch and thought I’d do one of these while I wait so I don’t feel stressed when I head back out on the bike this aft…today could be the day that the first subpoena on trumps financial records gets upheld and his accounting firm could be forced to turn them over. Last week, the judge in the case called bullshit on the delays that trump’s lawyers were trying to do by breaking the case down into tiny little parts and hoping the judge would go along with their ploys and stretch the case out for months…but, the judge wasn’t buying it, saying he was ready to hear from the parties involved today and he would rule on the validity of the subpoenas by the end of the day. One of the stunning parts was the judge told trump’s lawyers that there was no need for any other filings in the case since there was enough case law already on the books for him to render a decision…and legal experts out there think that means that that the legality of the subpoenas will be upheld. Of course that means that trump’s lawyers will appeal the decision immediately and I hope the House’s lawyers will again ask for an expedited hearing to take away trump’s only move that is to delay, delay, delay until he is out of office. There are other cases that are also coming up with idiot boy’s attempt to block Deutsche Bank from handing over more records and we can hope that that judge will expedite the case as well…as Rachel said last night, they can delay but they won’t be able to stop the House from getting the information they asked for…and that could be today…impeach…

401K’s down the drain…

Well…hey there…trump voters…got a smile on your face today? Got a 401K? If you do, you shouldn’t…due to your idiot president, you have lost over 5% of your money in just the past two days…with the 630 point plunge from today and the 500 point drop from Friday, the Dow is down over 5% in just the past two days and it is only up 1.5% over the entire past year…so with inflation up over 2.5% in the past year you guys have lost a percent out of the gate on top of the 5% loss….and it is all because of the moronic trade war and tariffs that idiot boy has imposed on all of our trading partners. This is the “great businessman” you morons voted for and saddled the country with so I have not one morsel of feelings for you…it is just a shame that you hurt the entire country and the world just because you believed a reality show idiot that knows absolutely nothing about anything….I wish it was later today…I need a drink…

The stupident just raised your taxes…

Well…as the idiot trump’s ignorance and stupidity is on full display with his moronic tariffs, we need to start talking about them not as tariffs, which people do not really understand, but as tax increases that are going to fall on every household and business in this country…and no, stupident, China is not paying for the tariffs no matter how much you bleat that, it is not now or will ever be the truth…but should we expect anything but ignorance and stupidity from someone who lost over a billion dollars in 10 years? Or who couldn’t even make a profit from casinos? Oxford has come out with a study (and no, Oxford does not do fake news) that says that with trump’s new tariffs on China that he imposed Friday, every damn household in the US is going to be TAXED an additional 800 dollars a year and this is in addition to the 100 farms that go out of business every week due to idiot boy’s stupidity. We need to hammer this home every day…that trump cut taxes for the rich but for everyone else, these tariffs are going to raise your taxes…enough winning, trump voters? Impeach…

Did he really lose a billion dollars?

Well…sitting here trying to decide if I’m going to do a second ride today and a thought just popped into my head…with all of the news stories of how much money trump lost in the 90′s, getting to over a billion dollars, my question is: did trump really lose a billion dollars? With all of the evidence of tax fraud throughout his life, are these losses just paper ones that allowed him to not pay any taxes? I mean, how the heck do you lose 950 million dollars in one year? I can understand that happening to a corporation, but for the closely held trump criminal organization, really losing a billion dollars would be a lot of money and would be pretty hard to do…and we know that idiot boy didn’t pay any taxes for almost 10 years. So, what I think this is is just the extension of the fraud that trump has run since he and his siblings inherited 450 million dollars from daddy and didn’t pay any taxes on that…I’m sure he has the same attitude that most rich people have, that only “little people” pay taxes and wasn’t careful committing fraud his entire life…explaining the death struggle he is engaged in to prevent anyone from seeing his tax returns…impeach…

Forget about trump’s base…

Well…look…all of the hand wringing about motivating trump’s base by impeaching the idiot boy is bullshit…and even thinking about that and having it dictate our actions is even a bigger pile of bullshit….nothing, and I mean nothing that the dems do is ever going to have any damn effect on that cult of personality and hate so I say just ignore them and do what’s right for the country and for protection of the constitution…that means that impeachment has to be on the table now and forever until the criminal in chief is safely ensconsed in his cell at club fed. After the early reticence  of our leaders in congress to even put impeachment on the table, it appears that most of them have had enough of the obstruction and defiance that idiot boy has shown at every turn and Nancy Pelosi is now building the impeachment case against the whole damn lot of them including Mnuchin, trump and Barr that will convince any court that they are criminals committing criminal acts every day….a smart bit of strategy that may be taking longer than we want but will give an airtight case for removal of the lot of them….let’s just have a little patience…but just a little…impeach…

This can’t stand…

Well…when did criminals get to say what evidence against them can be seen by prosecutors? Just this morning, trump and his criminal minions asserted a non-existent executive privilege to keep the congress from seeing the entire Mueller report, adding to his obstruction and turning it into a full-blown coverup that is being run by his toady AG William Barr…now it’s the time for Nancy Pelosi to step up and say that this can’t stand and start impeachment proceedings against idiot boy…if you discard all of the Mueller report, this action by itself is the “high crimes and misdemeanors” necessary to start the investigation process which gives the House broad powers to access anything they want…and this has been upheld by every court in the land since the country was founded. It appears that the dems are starting to grow a spine with the vote to hold Barr in contempt of congress this morning but that is not enough…Mnuchin and all of the rest who are part of this conspiracy need to be hauled in front of congress and charged with breaking the law and that includes Barr….the very existence of our democracy hangs in the balance and the dems need to stop thinking of the political fallout of impeachment since there may be no country left if they don’t get moving…impeach…

375 prosecutors can’t be wrong…

Well…amid the cries of “no obstruction” coming from the criminal in chief, today we have the counterpoint to those lies coming from 375 former federal prosecutors who today stated unequivocally in an online posting that the only reason that idiot boy was not charged with multiple felonies of obstruction of justice is that he is president…and they made this judgement with just the evidence that was presented in the Mueller report…not the underlying evidence that supports the report. No matter how much the criminal in chief bleats that he is innocent, the evidence shows that he is a multiple felon, not even counting the campaign finance violations that the SDNY convicted Michael Cohen of and that Cohen has testified he was ordered to do by trump. Ole donnie boy better start sweating because of his continued attacks on the rule of law…there is going to be at least one prosecutor who will take all this evidence and charge him after he is out of office…there is a lot of institutional pride in people in the justice system that will want to ensure that no one is above the law…and, let’s remember all of the things that were not addressed in the Mueller report…namely trump’s finances and tax returns that are widely suspected to be a swamp of fraud and that are under investigation across the country. Poor, poor donnie…bluster and attack all you want…you are going to jail after your squatting in the WH is done…and there is not a damn thing you can do about it…or Mueller testifying to the House…tick tock asshole…impeach…

Over 1200 farms gone…

Well…hey, Wisconsin dairy farmers that voted for the idiot trump…how’s that working out for you? At least 1,200 of you are now without a farm due to the grifter in chief’s stupid tariffs and a couple of thousand more will be lost in the next year if nothing is done to fix the stupidity oozing out of the WH. But, I’m sure you still support the idiot since Hillary has something, something e-mails…right? That’s really sticking it to the libs when you lose your farm, right? Look, I do feel for ignorant people who, through no fault of their own, voted for the idiot and his policies due to trump’s lies…but, to continue to support him after losing family farms that have been in the family for generations is just pure, unadulterated  stupidity that can’t be forgiven…after all, these people saddled us with the ignorant, stupid, reality show loser that shows his venality and criminality every day….and these “real Americans” deserve whatever they get…impeach…

Wasn’t going to do politics today…

Well…have had a long day today with getting out twice and doing 30 miles on the bike and I almost gave up on politics for the day…but, a short article I just read made me have to come here to do one…idiot boy is at it again with his “private” talks with Putin…and trump didn’t say one word to put Putin on the spot for his interference in the 2016 election or his continuing efforts to screw with the US in general…nope, idiot boy only wanted to talk about Mueller and his delusional belief that he was “exonerated”…and I bet Putin was just rolling his eyes and laughing internally about how well he did his job as the spy that he is and that trump is such a moron….who the hell talks to our greatest adversary like that?  Putin probably patted little donnie on the head and said “good boy” when trump confirmed to him, again, that 2016 was one of Russia’s most successful intelligence coups in it’s history and that he is not going to do anything to stop the ongoing meddling….is this enough to impeach this ass? It sure should be…impeach…